University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Call the school /housing department

Deferred OOS to LSA
Most rigorous courseload offered
1540 SAT (one sitting)
4 year varsity athlete
Focused, deep ECs
National Merit Semifinalist

Late to the party but shared because a large number of students from our school were accepted with lower stats so we assume (hope?) the deferral was due to projected yield. So disappointing, UMich was #1 choice since childhood :pensive:


I’m not quite sure what you mean here. Are there more seats in the LSA class than CoE? Yes, CoE has roughly 1,300-1,400 spots and LSA has about 4,300-4,400 spots, although UMich has increased enrollment in the past year or two.

But, LSA has many more applicants than CoE and is a much bigger school. And no one knows how many spots in either school is remaining (i.e., yield), as deposits are rolling once May 1st comes rolling around and all deposits have been received.

Whether you can switch now from CoE to LSA and whether that would increase the chances of admission to UMich is a question for the admissions office. As far as history, applicants have come to CC to ask that same question before, but I don’t recall anyone coming back to give us an update on their potential switch. You could check threads from prior years.

I would think it would require an entirely new supplement as to why she’d want to be in LSA (and stay there) vs. using it as some sort of back door into engineering.

Deferred OOS LSA
GPA uw/w: 3.92/4.02
ACT: 27
Deep Extracurriculars
Good essays

thank you.

Does anyone know if there is an official facebook page for accepted class of 2025 students? In my son’s UMich portal, they did suggest next steps for connecting with other students and they named an official facebook page. But, the page is for UMich students in general, not just newly accepted students to introduce themselves. We do see one facebook page that says it’s the official UMich class of 2025 page. It’s got 2.3k members, but it’s run by Humans of University so we are questioning if it’s legit.

Just looking for the best way for my son to connect with other students as he makes his decision.

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My youngest of three girls just got accepted at UM. But I gave her the same instructions I gave my older two girls - you want to graduate debt free, especially since, like you, she plans on going to med school. Undergraduate is all about ROI and no school is worth going into $100k of debt when you’re still going to get an advanced degree - which means more in the working world anyway. Take all your offers, take all your financial aid/scholarship packages and pick the best combo. Hopefully you only applied to schools you actually WANT to attend and then it becomes simpler. Once you’re there, make the absolute most of the opportunity. Best of luck!


How did you find out about Ross already???

Sorry I wasn’t clear. I was accepted to LSA and am applying to ross. Hope that clears the confusion.

@jayrow @DoingOurBest - i think you’re right, and a good suggestion. The school has likely already setup an official FB page for 2025 students. I’d caution parents on joining “unofficial” FB parent pages, as there is likely one setup now for all (not just class of 2025). This issue came up at Tulane, where my son is a student, and they began mining the group for information and all of a sudden very SPAM-like emails and posts began to arrive… There are lots of small businesses (some even legit) who want/need to get information on customers and will stop at nothing to get it

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Oh me too dope. OOS TN

I think you are very likely to get in on next round. Your stats are very similar to one of my twins who just got in last Friday. I think the difference is (and I could be very wrong–this is JUST my opinion), my daughter has a brother who is a current freshman at UMich and a dad who is an alum for both undergrad & law school. They might think you will have other options whereas maybe my daughter is statistically more likely to actually attend Michigan since we have already demonstrated that we will send out OOS son to UMich and have ties. I know they say they do not consider legacy, so I could be way off. Nevertheless, I think you will get in. My son was deferred twice last year and waitlisted and still got in with lower stats than yours. All you can do is control what you can control. Submit the LOCI and your 1st semester grades and make sure the fact that UMich is your #1 choice since childhood comes through. Good Luck! I imagine you won’t need it. You will be a wolverine or have an even better offer soon.

I was recently admitted to the CoE. Did everyone else who got into Michigan Engineering get two emails about scholarships? One is for the Joseph M. Geisinger Scholarship, and the other is a “Leadership Weekend Invitation.” It’s definitely an automated email, but I just want to make sure. I thought I was done with applications, but I guess I’ve still got a lot of applications for scholarships to do haha. :disappointed:

Interesting…in December my D (postponed) sent an update about placing in a national scholarship competition related to her major (Engineering). The AO told her that the info would be placed in her file but asked her not to send any other updates, as it could delay review of her application and cause it to be moved to the RD pool. :woman_shrugging:

I think leadership weekend one goes to everyone but not 100% sure.
The other one is for admitted students from a few states!

My son got the leadership weekend email.

He didn’t get the scholarship email you mentioned but I looked it up and it’s only for kids who reside in certain states.

Cool, thanks! @Rebma07 @DoingOurBest

It’s hard comparing students to others. Students are typically compared to students at their high school or district. Some schools norm is kids taking Multivariate Calc as a senior and some only get pre Calc… And so on… That is why there are school reports but it is frustrating see kids with lower scores get in so I get it.

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I hope you’re right! It is a pretty big blow that he was deferred, and see so many other classmates accepted. The plan is to submit the LOCI and really try and communicate that UMich is the #1 choice, then cross fingers I guess. Thank you for your feedback, it does help ease our minds! :slight_smile: