University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

No one said “good” chance… Just a chance. You have a great chance to hear from now till Mid April and that’s a guarantee. :wink::grin:

I have a question about the application for LSA scholarship. I think you are the best person who can answer this. In the scholarship application they have question about what are the other institutions (Please talk about the factors (excluding financial hardships) that you are considering with your decision to enroll in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts in Fall 2021. Please include other institutions that are on your short list of options.)? Do we have to answer about other accepted colleges or it is like between Ross and LSA or it is about other colleges you applied to? Thank you for your help.

Great question. I would call and clarify. Even reach out to your AO (nice light touch)… Kinda ballsy of them to ask what other colleges you are applying to… If you find out report back. You can call /email, /chat with them…

Thank you. Sure. I will update here once I get the reply from the AO.


Feel your pain. Only one kid at our competitive highly ranked public high school with better stats than my kid was accepted to UM. This is their game. Yet, about 20 kids with lower stats from our school were accepted. They do this to protect their yield. Our counselors remind us of this every year and it’s just something we’re well aware of and parents come to expect. You just hope you’re not on the receiving end of it. Last time we weren’t, this time we are.

If your daughter does what they ask as part of her postponed decision and lets them know she would definitely attend if admitted, then she will probably have a good shot at being accepted in the RD notifications. They want students who really want to be there and that they feel would be likely to attend.

I would only mention things that are different since you applied if they’re different in the context that you have awards and honors or something significant you’ve done. They don’t want you to regurgitate what’s in your app.

Also, there was originally a prompt there, that has since been removed but they basically wanted to know how your values align to UM values.

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For those that were deferred/postponed, did you write your ECI/LOCI in a letter format or more like an essay? (Basically, are you addressing it to a specific person/group of people or writing it more generally if that makes sense)

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Since ours still had the prompt there, and we consulted with college counselors familiar with what Michigan is truly looking for, ours was more in letter form, but was not specifically address to Dear xxx. 250 words is not a lot, so if you spend time addressing to someone, you are already taking up needed space. If you have new honors/awards or other things to update that also takes up a lot of space. My son had to cut his down by more than 100 words. They probably eliminated the prompt once they realized how much they were asking for, lol. I believe someone said they did not have it last year.

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Let’s please remain civil and refrain from addressing others negatively. Several posts deleted.


Hey, i am sorry if this is a little off topic, but has any accepted applicant received their financial aid summary yet? I’m just curious cause i still don’t know if I’ll be able to attend even after getting accepted. Also how generous (or not) is UMich with scholarships for OOS students.

I have not!

Thank you for the help! Appreciate it, your advice will certainly help me as I write it

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Thank you! I see the prompt has disappeared, I did copy and paste it into my Google Doc beforehand so I’ll kind of use it as a template for what I should write


This might help to contact them.

Many OOS get $20-35,000 for financial aid. This is just a ballpark of what I have seen here and knowledge of other people attending. Your financial circumstance might differ but Covid is affecting everyone and they do want to help.

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Does anyone know when preferred admissions results are out?

If you’re referring to Ross, then yes, it’s Friday 2/19 at 5:00 PM EST.

Are you in state or out of state? At my kids OOS HS, only one person got accepted that we know of during early action and he is super qualified (for any top university) and a legacy. We are still hopeful for the next waves of acceptance letters. Trusting the process here :slight_smile:

I like your attitude. :+1:


At their HS we already had kids accepted to Cal tech, Stanford and a bunch of Ivies( applied early and binding). Unfortunately, I cant use the; it’s a hard year to get into a good college this year, since the some of kids ranked with my kids already got great news. Go Blue!

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AO answered back saying that we’ve to answer about other schools you have been accepted to/considering. It does sound kind of weird that they are asking this question. I don’t know what to think about it. Do they want to yield protect for scholarships or really do they want to give scholarship offers to students with more options, I don’t know.