University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Does anyone have an idea as to when UMich will release the 2020-21 Common Data Set?

Typically, it’ll be the late summer or Fall before you’ll see the 2020-2021 CDS.

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Does UMich usually only accept highly competitive OOS students or is it kinda random just based on what they like in certain students?

I feel like grades and tests are really important and used as an initial screening for early decisions - at least at our school

From the Naviance data at my son’s school, the accepted seem falling in a range of GPA, but not much to do with SAT as long as it’s above 1,400.

Look at the CDS for Michigan. I posted it up thread. It will tell you exactly what their looking for but off the top of my head it’s grades with classes with strong Rigor. Tests score come next, then ecs and essays…

@NJ08809 @Kim2B1G @Knowsstuff thanks!

Could you maybe repot the CDS please. It’ll get far easier.

Google is your friend


Thanks man

Pages like 4-8 should be helpful for you and really haven’t changed over the years too much. Good Luck.


Looking at the Naviance chart for my daughter’s school, there is definitely a line where if you are above a certain GPA and Sat score you get accepted (OOS). There were a couple waitlists over that line (yield protection, maybe?).

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What happens with your Ross application if you are initially deferred from LSA?

In the past Ross doesn’t get your application until your accepted into your home school like Lsa. Yes, many get accepted in RD and get into Ross… :wink:

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It look similar in my OOS son’s school. In the range of GPA 3.8-4.25 and SAT >1400, the acceptance rate is around 45%. Score/GPA do not matter once you are in the range. There is almost no acceptance out of the range.

Does anyone have data for in-state acceptances? My school doesn’t use Naviance.

Is that WGPA ?

Weighted. Michigan only uses unweighted GPA so A=4,B=3,no +/-

Anyone think there’s a chance they will release EA decisions tonight? Like one in a million…? For those who think “no way” are you still going to check the portal tonight :)?

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for our HS SAT scores over 1570 and a GPA of 4.7 (weighted) and above were admitted. There were lower admits too, but also waitlists and rejections under that point. Last year 8 out of 29 who applied were admitted. It seems they do care about test scores, since there wasn’t a single reject with a SAT above 1570. There was a few waitlists and rejects for 1550 and 1560 scores (with lower GPAs). It appears a combination of a high GPA and high SAT score (over 1570) at least until last year was a pretty certain admit to Michigan from her school. I wonder if this will hold true for this year (my daughter has these scores and GPA).