University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Yes, W GPA

January 29. That’s the day. Trust me.


How do you know for sure? Couldn’t it be next week?

I don’t think there’s going to be anything tonight, but cannot stop checking

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Michigan admissions said "late January. Think last week of January. I called to help you all out. Anyone can call or email admissions (not your AO), to find out. How about someone else call undergraduate admissions and then you will know…

It also depends on your school’s history with Michigan. Are you instate or out? Are you a feeder school to them? Those two will increase your chances per se but… Not always. If you look at the CDS upthread that I posted Grades and Rigor have always been the most important to them. Their Lsa avg is 3.9 unweighted with 32-35 Act…

we are OOS… not sure if 8 out of 29 accepted means feeder school or not! Anyway based on previous years data I would expect my daughter has a good chance of being accepted, no guarantee of course. She has the maximum rigor for her school (all APs junior and senior year), and a 4.0 unweighted GPA. Will find out in a few weeks whether she becomes an outlier on the Naviance scattergram, or fits within what was expected!

I did yesterday and they said “likely not much earlier that end of month”

Is there any reason to think they would?

I know folks are anxious, but does knowing now rather than 1/29 change anything? Most deadlines have passed; deposits aren’t due until May; and financial aid doesn’t come out until March. I’d much rather they drop all the acceptances on the same day than a little here and there.

Wait why do you think they are coming out tonight? Is there any chance?

I remember last year, when I doubted some new CC member who posted the exact EA release date, which didn’t follow the pattern of past years. When the decisions were released on said date, that poster skewered me. She, I believe it was a she, didn’t think my apology was sufficient. And was irate.

So, this year, all EA release date theories will not get a response out of me. :smiley:


No way in heck they are coming out this weekend let alone tonight. If I am wrong (I am not), I will blame @sushiritto anyway so what’s the difference :joy:… School goes back on the 20th. So anytime after that but look to the last week.

lol. doesn’t really matter when school is back in - admissions office is at work - but I agree no way it’s tonight. I’m in the camp of @StrogMedicine - Jan 29 more likely.

@Knowsstuff That sounds like my job. I get blamed for everything. :wink:

I agree with everyone here. I’m not causing a ruckus this year.

As for our local public HS here in CA, our Naviance for UMich has roughly about 45-50 apps and 15-20 acceptances each year. And about 7-10 enroll each year. Our local public HS does quite well at UMich. Better than most of the UC’s.

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Well your just not fun then. I love the doubters… Oh well…

That’s great for your daughter. Did you convince her to apply? She knows the basketball team is awesome so far and next year they have the number 1 :basketball: recruiting class in the nation? Besides Pizza Bob’s… What else does she need? BTW… There’s hardly even any snow.


No…just wishful thinking…and it’s a Friday.

I’m going to think every Friday is decision day - just wishful thinking.

Two years ago, my brother was accepted on a Wednesday (12/19/2018). So not sure if we should be only waiting on a Friday. Probably every day!

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