University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Maryland will always be the best simply because we have the best state flag of any state and we love to put it all over our uniforms! If you’ve ever been to Maryland you know we love our state flag!!

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Sorry, I’m going from memory, so maybe I was thinking later waves being released at 12:01 AM on Fridays. It’s up to you when to start looking. It may not even be tomorrow. But I hope so for everyone here.


Unfortunately, Michigan has never been one to send an email before portal updates.

@skkm0906 Actually, the “checkered flag” on the uniform is one of the things I don’t like about Maryland’s uniform. Too much IMO. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The Maryland flag is never too much on anything! lol (I’ve lived here my whole life, we love our flag!)

Is anyone going to call admissions to see if RD comes out tomorrow or no?

someone commented above that they called regarding something else and also asked about RD decisions and were told no waves, everyone will find out on the same day and it will be by early april. I can’t take another two months (unless that means he’ll get in for sure then I’m fine waiting lol)


We don’t know anyone who goes there but thank you for the recommendations!

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Thank you so much!

Thank you!

I think the AO was saying it’s not rolling because everyone will get a decision at the same time as opposed to true rolling where only some applicants will get a decision early. I still think it will come in waves but she was basically not promising anything earlier than early April. So we could still find out tomorrow or in March but everyone will be notified that they are accepted, deferred, etc. Since we just found out EA not too long ago - will they even have time to go through all of the RDs that didn’t apply EA for this first Ross wave? That’s what I’m worried about but I guess we will find out tomorrow late night.

When I emailed my AO, he said that for kids who were deferred, it is rolling in waves.

I think that means there are waves of decisions released in February, March and April (in the past). But when decisions are released on those one day events, they’re released simultaneously in one fell swoop.

In the past, the decisions have not been rolled out over hours or days.

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In the past there have been monthly waves of RD admits but there were also stragglers. My daughter (now a senior) was admitted between the first and second wave of RD, along with a few others.

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Do you have an AO assigned to you? All my son’s other schools have sent him an email or letter with an AO’s name, phone number, & email address to call with any admission questions. Michigan is the only one where the letters were never signed by a person who you can contact.

You can find the AO assigned to you in the U of M Admissions web site. They are assigned by geography.

Yes, there aren’t any absolutes. Ya, ya there’s death, taxes, Michigan admissions. :laughing:

But I’ve watched the many waves over the years and the “stragglers” were rare exceptions, not the rule. Also, schools such as SMTD, Nursing, Kinesiology, STAMPS, etc. have their own timelines not always following CoE and LSA.

Thank you - what would I do without this forum!!

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Consider applying to for the living/learning community for students interested in research/labs as freshmen. Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars (MRADS) | U-M LSA] (Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars (MRADS) | U-M LSA) My son did this and there were 100 students and they all lived at Mosher Jordan, a great residence hall on central campus. You get assigned to a researcher and you get course credit.