University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Add wait list to that also :wink::page_with_curl:

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The LOCI is due tomorrow.

I think mid year grades are far more valuable to them than LOCI. I just cant see the LOCI being a make or break type of thing for them since they say you don’t have to do it.

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Oh! Ok! I submitted mine long ago, so I already forgot what the deadline is.

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I kinda feel that If they are asking it, it means they want to see mid year grades and LOCI together. Like… Why ask and then just accept or reject without even looking?

@DarkSkye I’ve already gone through this once with my older kid. I’ve said this before on these UMich threads, but I prefer having the chance of admission on or about 2/1 and 3/1 (prior year schedules), than to wait for the UC’s in mid-to-late March, even if the UC’s actually give you date. Although my older kid did get a Chancellors scholarship from UCSB, so she heard that admission in February 2018.

D21 just received an email yesterday, I think, from UC Davis that said she’ll hear a decision in mid-March. What’s that mean? Is that the middle 2 weeks? March 15th-ish? As I said, at least with UMich get the POSSIBILITY of an “early decision” in February and March.

Also, in the past, virtually everyone hearing a decision from UMich in February and March were acceptances.


Has anything come out?

Nothing yet… maybe at 5 when Ross comes out

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Sorry, wrong thread

Oh ok. Didn’t last year it come out earlier though?

what time did RD and ross come out last year?

Did your daughter received an email from UC Davis confirming that they received her application? I just now realized that I received nothing from UC Davis. Like not even applicant portal information. I know that I did not mess up with my email in UC app because I received emails from other UC schools.

RD 3:30 Ross 5:00

Ok so RD is probably not today then?

Yes, you’re right. in that frame UC’s are the worst in regards to time between submission and decision. I also think that bc most UCs especially UCLA get 100K+ applications they need more time to review them (maybe that’s why the long wait?) but yes, to your point they could all at least pick a release date.

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I say we wait until 5 and if its not out, its probably not today.

My best guess would either be end of feb or early march for the next wave.

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You are right UC Davis didn’t send the confirming email this year but they did send that email yesterday about “mid March” decision date.

Has anyone called admissions and asked

I might call. How should I ask? I don’t want to seem rude.

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Maybe something like “is there a chance the first wave of Rd decisions will be released today for those who ere rejected in EA?”

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