University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I would tell them that you applied EA initially and were postponed and because it is known Ross decisions come out today, you were wondering if the first wave of deferral decisions also came out today?


UC Davis email from 2/18, basically says “hang tight-----answer by mid-March”

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Did they send link to the applicant portal and prospective student Id?

Is there a separate ross thread or people post if they’re notified on this thread?

I did not receive it either. :exploding_head:
Should I email the admissions office and ask about why I do not get these emails, or should I wait and see what will happen when decisions come out?

I called and they didn’t pick up

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I just checked and I did get a confirmation email from Davis on 12/9 (I submitted on 11/28), with my major and UCDavis student ID to create my portal.

Thanks! This means there definitely was and is some problem with my email in their portal. Because all other UCs do not have this problem.

I’m on the chat now.

They said there will not be a wave today. All applicants will be notified by early april. I asked if there will be a wave next friday and she said, “I cannot say.”


Thanks! I didn’t receive it, but I did receive the email yesterday. Very strange.

Thank you so much for calling to check! Hopefully “I cannot say” is a good thing hahah, I want to know soon!


Thanks for checking & sharing with us! Good luck to the Ross applicants today!


Yeah so I think next week is probably more likely for the first wave

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Can someone ask the chat about EA applicants. I just realized I said “RD” and idk if thats confusing. This is the link

I so hope you’re right

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@DarkSkye D got the infamous “alumni scholarship” email, weeks ago, so someone in the UCLA stream of decision-makers must have looked at her essays and EC’s or whatever already. :smiley:

@MonicaMaria Yes, D got a confirming email from each UC she applied to.

Sorry for the digression everyone.

I had to glance up and make sure it was the right thread :wink:

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They told me that all remaining applicants (EA & RD) will be notified at the same time - by early April. Everyone is RD now - if you look at your decision postponed message in your portal it says: your application will be moved into our regular decision pool for consideration. At least that is what my son’s says - maybe others say different.


Yeah they said postponed students will have to wait until early april.

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