University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

“ We are not releasing decisions today and do not anticipate releasing decisions for postponed students until early April.“

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So no waves?

It appears not.

Geez, this year keeps sucking.


Honestly I think it’s a good thing. I take comfort knowing that everyone’s application will be reviewed equally rather than rushing the process, especially since LOCI’s are due tomorrow and RD applications were only due like two weeks ago.

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I really liked the idea of having chances leading up to the decision deadline. REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKED IT. So I’m not giving up hope but it’s sure not going to happen today. I got the impression from Admissions when I called them that they were just being tight lipped about release dates & almost robotically repeating the “by early April” phrase - so as to not promise a specific date. They never said previously we released in waves but will not be doing that this year. I would expect if that is the case they should just post that somewhere - then everyone will just wait til early April and not be left wondering & calling & speculating.


When EA decisions were released, there were no waves. It was just “By late January” constantly. I’m sure it could be something similar, especially with COVID shaking things up.

If they release all at once at April I have to say I’m not a fan at all. If you are going to dramatically change your process from years past you should be open and transparent about it.


Has EA ever had waves? I thought the waves were always for deferred EAs/RD applicants.

EA has always been released at once with RD/postponed coming in waves


Waitlisted. Ugh.


Oh my! Did you get a decision today??

Probably Ross

If true they’re only doing that to help their yield t delay accepting anyone until the last possible second and compete with the Ivies.


I bet you’re right. My heart skipped a beat lol

Ross already came out?

10 minutes

Ok I got confused, thank you!

Even if it’s Ross, which sounds right, a “waitlist” answer in the first Ross wave is weird.