University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I don’t think this info really applies this year, but I’ll repost. Here are the last NINE (9) years of UMich EA release dates:

12/16/2011 (Friday)
12/14/2012 (Friday)
12/20/2013 (Friday)
12/19/2014 (Friday)
12/18/2015 (Friday)
12/21/2016 (Wednesday)
12/20/2017 (Wednesday)
12/19/2018 (Wednesday)
12/19/2019 (Thursday)

The RD waves have generally been released on Fridays. All bets are off this year.


The application deadline was pushed out for 15 days, and it’s said that UM had received a lot more applications in the EA cycle. The schedule this year is very different.

Yes, I realize the month of December has passed. And I realize they extended the deadline to 11/16. :wink:

I posted the info, because it shows the days of the week that decisions were released.


Thanks for the information!

Honestly, no matter what anyone says, I’ll still be checking my portal multiple times a day because I’m ridiculously impatient :slight_smile: :grin:


felt that

Does anyone know if my high school’s lack of challenging math courses will hurt me when applying to CoE? The highest offered math course at my HS is Calculus I, which I took as a junior, and I’m now self-studying AP Statistics.

It won’t hurt you. They’ll consider your course choices within the context of what’s offered at your school. If you max out your available math curriculum that’s very strong rigor.

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They only expect you to take what your school offers and engineering just expects you to start at Calc 1. Michigan is a math emphasis school. My son’s school went to Multivariate. Some take college classes. But your compared to your school or district. Your fine

Does UMich defer most of their EA applicants? I seriously can’t wait another 3 months to find out if I got in😓

Yes, the vast majority are deferred.

In prior years, UMich would receive roughly 40,000 EA apps. They’ve accepted around 7,000-8,000 of them and mostly deferred the rest.

However, the rumors are they’ve received a record number of EA applicants this year, just as other top universities have.

Who knows what they’re doing this year. My son said someone told him letters were sent out (not sure to who) that decisions are going to be made for all EA applicants. But that makes no sense to me that they will either be rejecting or admitting all EA. I told him I think maybe the people that told him that are confused in regard with the change in that EA this year doesn’t give you any advantage other than just hearing a decision sooner, but the decision could still be defer.

Is UMich the kind of school that caps how many students they accept from each school? My school is a HUGE feeder, with one of the counselors went to UMich and lots of kids are legacy. I unfortunately have ZERO legacy, but am pretty concerned that the rich legacies (I go to a small NYC Private school) will get in over me simply because they can pay and are “more likely” to attend since they’re legacy. Any insight?

No caps. Many legacy students got rejected the last 3 years. Legacy is low on the list in the CDS (holy grail for Michigan). You have to have the goods to get into Michigan not just legacy and money. Sure it’s great for some but won’t be the deciding factor. Saying that the avg family makes something like $164,000 at Michigan. So if someone doesn’t have the grades, essays etc they aren’t getting in just due to stature.

That made me feel A LOT better. My school is really competitive and everyone seems to have an advantage except for me, so thank you.

How many students does UMich generally defer in EA?

Good. Remember, you can only control what you do. There is always someone taller or shorter, smarter or not smarter, prettier or not, has more money or has less and so on. Especially at Michigan. You can only control you. Getting accepted to colleges can be a roller coaster of emotions. Just be support those that get into and don’t get into X college. Good Luck. Just remember… You do you.


See Post #392 just above.

I agree with Knowsstuff re: legacies and “hard” caps, but according to our school’s Naviance, a sample of one public high school in CA, there’s an amazing consistency to the number of applications, number of acceptances and the number of enrolled over the past 4-5 years. :man_shrugging: