University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Same with ours
But let’s face it, it’s a numbers game. Many get accepted but much lower number actually accept. They don’t have any control on how many accept their offer. Somehow they know their analytics…

But again,you can only control what you do. I can’t worry if someone is legacy, or has more money etc… My son is OOS legacy but had the numbers. No one else at his school was legacy. We have many, many friends kids that are legacy with strong donors and didn’t get in.

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So I’m an applicant in Michigan and here instate since middle school, everyone respects Michigan and its brand. Just curious, why is Michigan so popular is CA and NY especially for CA students who have the UC system?

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UM grad here and current CA dad. UC system is great but broke, very competitive, often takes 5+ years to graduate, can’t switch majors easily, lousy sports teams. And believe it or not, lots of people actually want to get out of CA.


Hi, does anyone have information on how the COVID affects the admission of international applicants ? As one of them I am very stressed about it… thanks

First, I’ll ask what UC is roughly equivalent to UMich, whether it’s ranking or sports? Basically, UCLA and Cal.

I’ll add as a CA resident with D18 attending UMich that UMich offers, in no particular order:

  1. smaller class sizes (15:1 vs. 20:1 +/-)
  2. easier access to advisors, GSI’s and professors
  3. no (or insignificant) class registration problems
  4. better AP credit policies, D18 can graduate early with 2 minors
  5. B1G sports
  6. $12 Billion endowment, which is greater than the entire UC system
  7. cheaper and newer off-campus housing options, lower cost of living
  8. larger and more active alumni network
  9. MUCH easier to switch majors
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@ pvs78907

For my son he wants to only go to school out of state so Michigan B-School + Big Sports + Not in CA gives him the best combination of what he is seeking. He did not apply to any CA schools :frowning: and we live 10 min from UCLA. Now I think he if grew up in Michigan he would have done the reverse and would have loved to go UCLA, USC or Cal.

Funny because one thing my kids hated when they visited UCLA was that classes there would be huge! So, while the campus was beautiful, they were totally turned off by that one element. They liked UCB, but ultimately decided not enough to apply. The only CA school mine ended up applying to was USC. UM would’ve been second choice if not in at top choices.

The links might be helpful. On questions like these also email to them directly as your situation might be different then other internationals. Good Luck.

One of D18’s best friends attends UCLA and stayed with her and attended classes (same major) before Covid. UMich’s classes aren’t tiny by any stretch, but UCLA’s were REALLY big and the vibe she got was that no one was paying any attention to the professors in several classes.

Having said all the above, D21 isn’t applying to UMich (yet, still working on it :smiley:) and has applied to mostly UC’s and a few CSU’s. She has been accepted to Santa Clara with merit, but if she’s accepted and matriculates to one of the UC’s or a CSU, then I know we’ll have to put up with a few “hiccups.”

So we’re all assuming we find out on the 29th? Does anyone think it could be the 15th or 22nd?

I just called & they said they were still reading EAs. I asked if decisions were coming out on the 29th or if there was a chance they could come out this Friday or next week. She said anything possible but not this Friday as they are still reading through the applications.


That is interesting. I called too and was told anything is possible when I asked if it could be earlier. Rumor around here is this Friday.

I am ending my own rumor. A friend just spoke to Admissions and they said they can confirm it is not coming out this Friday. She said next week or week after.


Does Michigan announce the date in advance before they release EA decisions or is it just a surprise?

quick q: if i missed the financial aid priority date (forgot to submit css on time), will it affect my admissions for ea?

in your portal:
click on Application>> then click on Your Application Status>> and if it says something along the lines of “Checklist Complete: All Required Admissions Materials Received”
If you have that message, you are good to go (at least I think).

Under the “Important Dates” tab on your portal it says that the deadline to submit CSS and FASFA is March 31, so i guess you are fine.

Submission of financial aid or not shouldn’t have impacts on your admission decision. Actually, I would imagine they might be even happier if you don’t submit FA at all :slight_smile:

In the past, kinda sorta, which means, they posted on their social media accounts within a few hours of the EA release. But it’s a wacky year, everything is in play.


Will it definitely be on a Friday tho?

99.9%. Most schools aren’t changing their decision days.