University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Just spoke with a college admissions counselor for Umich. Likely anytime during the last week of January. Jan 22-29


Probably Jan 29th. They’ll take all the time they can


Does anyone know how high in-state deferral rates are?


Based on what @sushiritto said about how many people get deferred, it is closer to 80%. He said that if 40,000 people apply EA then UMich accepts 7000-8000 of them(20% acceptance) and the rest of them are MOSTLY deferred(thus 80% or so deferral rate). These are very crude estimates so take them lightly.

Genuine question here:
If HAIL interviews (for engineers) don’t influence a student’s acceptance and are only for the student to learn about UMich, why don’t they just do them after acceptances are out? Or, before the kids have to write their Why Michigan essay?

Do they really have no bearing in the application process? Does the interviewer send a “write-up” of sorts to UMich after the interview?

Bungeecord is correct, but this year, the rumor is that the # of apps have increased just like the rest of the top schools in the US.

There’s no instate/OOS deferral breakdown available for EA, but in prior years, where the university had received roughly 65,000 total applicants, instate applicants represent about 20% of that number. Again, in prior years, the overall admittance rate for instate applicants was around 41% and 19% for OOS.

Last year, the admittance numbers were a little higher due to Covid impacts.


From what I’ve heard, if the interview went well and the alumni interviewer believes that the student demonstrated very good interest in the school, the interviewer will send a recommendation (“write-up”) to UoM. It won’t weigh as much as the other factors, but definitely could help if demonstrated strong interest, even in the tiniest amount. I hypothesize its partly because UoM wants yield protection, but the interview acts mainly to help the applicant understand more about UoM and have the alumni answer any questions that the applicant has.
I had my HAIL interview a few weeks ago, and it went well, basically the alumni interviewer told me what I’ve said above: this interview is mainly for answering questions, and less about the application process itself.


Thank you for the response! My kid is very very interested in UMich and thought his interview went well. The gentleman who interviewed him was a fantastic ambassador for UMich and the great conversation just made my kid fall more in love with the school. I’m glad to hear that the interviewers have an opportunity to possibly advocate for the kids they think are a good match. Thanks again and good luck with UMich!

The idea is to get your kid excited about the school. This helps with yields. That’s the point. The impression of the interviewer is very minimal at best. As long as they don’t write a negative review then it’s good. I can’t imagine a situation that they would ever write anything negative unless the kid was a big jerk… It’s also great practice for later interviews and college situations. Glad it went well.

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That makes sense! And, yes, my son thought the interview went really well and was hoping that his enthusiasm would somehow get conveyed back to UMich admissions.

For some kids, expressing that enthusiasm in a face-to-face conversation is so much easier than via the essay process.

How much does legacy and extracurriculars matter at umich?

Legacy is considered, but it’s not very important. ECs are super important as UMich is highly competitive and there are many people with great stats, so they do rely on ECs for decisions.

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Not exactly. Here is the cds. Look at page 5. Grades and rigor are more important. Then stats and recommendations. But essays are actually like 3rd on the list of importance and legacy is looked at but low on the list per se. Over the last few years many legacy kids were denied so it doesn’t seem to be as important as it used to be.

Hi everyone. Question: is the interview available to everyone? Or just the people that are applying to the Engineering program? Asking for a friend :slight_smile:

I’m not sure. I applied for CS to LSA, but got no interview.

Pretty sure it’s only Engineering and even then not all are offered. My son applied pretty close to the EA deadline, we live in a huge alumni area and he wasn’t offered one.

Historically only engineering. Doesn’t make a difference where you live or alumni next door. It’s just a random process to get an interview. The process is somewhere on their site how to apply to become an alumni interviewer. They don’t have enough to go around. But if your offered ones and don’t take it that could speak volumes to them especially these days.

Okay so I’m on a discord for umich, and some people think that they’re coming out today, but I think it might all be speculation. A lot of people said that UW Madison wouldn’t release decisions until late January this year, but mine came out on December 15th. I think that the best thing to do is wait and see!

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ugh i feel like it is too much of a chance since there aren’t like credible sources for their speculations ):