University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Very helpful feedback! Thanks for sharing some positive news!

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In past years yes. But it’s always a theory… So set your phone to vibrate and if around 3:00pm - 5:00pm Eastern time your phone goes crazy you know what is happening… :iphone::thinking:


Lol! Yes that’s what I heard had happened at times in the past. Who knows since this year is so different. Guess we’ll have to wait and see…


Yet another depressing article about this year’s admissions chaos. But this one is accompanied by a picture of the U-M Law School!

If you haven’t been on the UM undergrad prospective tour, they take you to the law school library, so that is one of their claims to fame, maybe that’s why they chose to have that picture on the article too!

Of course, until injuries, maybe their bball team this year was their claim to fame. Lol @Knowsstuff


I can’t PM you (open that… Lol) but I like the loss. Not of Livers but of coming back 13 pts with 3 minutes left. Waiting to do my brackets late this year to see what teams can’t play. Lol…also give Illinois credit… Going to be a fun March Maddness.

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Yeah, I spent a lot of time in that library! I also remember celebrating the 1989 championship outside Cook (Law) Quadrangle, across the street from President Duderstadt’s house!

Hope the students can do that again this month, but unless the Stress Injury Fairy heals Livers ASAP, I don’t think that is going to happen. Then again, I never thought that the 1989 team would win after Frieder left, or that Rob Pelinka would become the most successful member of the Fab Five teams (at least until Juwan wins March Madness!).

Don’t get me started. Send him to me. I got magic stuff up my sleeve. (I do sports medicine injury /surgery)… Agh… :wink:

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Basketball - #1 2021 recruiting class. And #2 is not even close.
Football - #10 2021 recruiting class.


I was at Kansas the year we won in 1988 and at the beginning of that year we were all so cocky we thought they would win, then they sucked it up, and were horrible and got that 8 seed, but who figured they would ever come back to win it all. Awesome!!

But, best game ever I have to admit…my dad took me to the Ilinois vs Arizona game in 2005 when Illinois went to the finals but lost to UNC, and that was definitely the best game ever for their unbelievable come back. Trust me, I am no Illini fan, especially not after going to KU. But that was something else! This year, let’s see it those Longhorns can get something going. Clark Kellogg likes them in the FInal 4…he must be smoking something lol. But Juwan he has done one hell of a job coaching Michigan.

College bball is sooo fun. Love to see all the upsets even when it’s so painful in my pool! Btw, my husband who during selection sunday kept saying G-town sucks, G-town sucks and will be the playin game with Oregon State…and I asked what about Michigan State will they make it, he said probably but barely and same with UCLA. I said, maybe that would be a playin game because what a game that would be. When G-town wasn’t a playin, he was like wth they got too good of a seed, but low and behold who showed up as a playin…haha…MSU/UCLA. Love when a female can rub it in a know it all male’s face!


If Hunter Dickinson stays in school, and he should because his hands are made of stone, he can’t dribble worth a darn, absolutely no 3-point shot and he has one move to the basket (just play his left shoulder), then next year’s team should be REALLY amazing with the other returnees.

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I will guarantee you he will be back next year. He’s not ready. He’s a work in progress. One more year with Howard and then he takes a nice big step. It would be shameful if he attempted to go this draft.

Personally think Illinois vs Loyola can be fun for us instate but UIUC won’t have issues with them…

Illinois and Oklahoma State seems to be a good match up if that happens

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So my D is planning to visit Ann Arbor this weekend, she said a “ton” of kids are going up this weekend. Is there something going on? I am worried there will be a lot of parties and it will be a super spreader. Am I being paranoid?

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Well… Whenever a “Ton” of kids get together… Probably just having lunch at the Arb. It’s going to be a nice weekend.

What is lunch at the Arb? She is flying in on Thursday and coming home Sunday. I think it’s more than lunch, lol. I wanted to go up when it got warmer, I have never seen the campus. But she insisted that this was “the weekend” everyone was checking out the school.

Just having some fun with you. But she could bring a lunch there. It’s really nice on campus. Nichols Arboretum | Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum

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Honestly, it’s a great place to go study and just chill. It’s a beautiful campus and should show well with nice weather this weekend. I am sure there are parties somewhere so hopefully she will be careful. If she runs into my son tell her to have him text me… :wink:

Yes, there are always parties. It’s a college campus. Duke is on lockdown for them being idiots and having recruiting events. They were told no greek rush this spring so the frats went and unaffiliated from the University with the support of their National Chapters and went and did their own thing. That resulted in 198 cases + so now they are basically on lockdown. This is unfortunately what happens.

Tomorrow is St Patrick’s Day. Wouldn’t surprise me if there are St Paddy’s celebrations going on in AA. It is what it is. If it’s not for St Patrick’s Day it’s for some other big event, but it’s probably something. My kid is in Miami and if she weren’t vaxxed, no way would she be going anywhere but right back here for spring break. Can’t believe her college even has a spring break. So, assuming your kid isn’t vaxxed and hasn’t had covid, and you’re not vaxxed, you should assume she has covid when she gets home and take appropriate measures to get her tested and quarantined based on your school’s guidance. Our school you can’t travel and go to school anyway, but every kid is required to test 2x/week anyway by the school which is reassuring.


Do you guys think there will be another wave this Friday?

I personally am not going to be too hopeful for a wave this Friday. My son is patient so I am trying to learn from him & be like ok early April. I would think with the tiny wave on 3/5 that a bigger wave this Friday is certainly possible but most think 3/26 or 4/2 will be more likely.