University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I doubt they would do 4/2 - it’s Good Friday - I would imagine they would get it out before that day earlier in the week or after the holiday weekend…probably why they say Early April if they don’t get it out by 3/31 or 4/1 are they thinking they get it out 4/5

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I’m not sure about that. UMich holds classes on MLK Day. So, I’m not really sure holidays hold them back.

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Does Ross send out rejections? If so when? Do LSA students have to declare majors as freshman?

Yes, Ross sends rejections on their decision days, noted in the BBA Blog. And you don’t declare your major in LSA until the 2nd semester of your sophomore year.


Did people get the financial aid deadline email (sent around 7pm est time)? Could this mean another wave is coming out soon?

yes, got the email. does it mean anything or its just mass communication email sent to everyone?

Probably the later.

I did not get that email.

My son got the email. He completed the FAFSA but not the CSS so that is probably why. I assume all those who have their financial aid completed did not receive the email but all those who applied who are missing something financial aid related did receive the email.

I can’t imagine they would send that email if they were wouldnt going to consider you at all (at least a waitlist)

So by not getting it that’s a bad sign? I completed both my FAFSA and CSS so I don’t know why they would need to email me abt smth I already did. I also did not apply for Financial Aid

That is a nice thought - thank you! - but I honestly think they sent it to everyone who applied who did not complete the FAFSA & CSS. My son is incredible & any school would be lucky to have him - but all of you are incredible too. With 80,000+ applications it’s anyone’s game. Most here are qualified - can the admissions counselors really see their intellectual souls from their common app? My son’s school - no fault of his own - is small & underfunded. We hardly have any AP classes, we are not a feeder school, our counselors and principal do not directly communicate with Admissions, as far as I know no child from our school has ever been accepted to the University of Michigan. I’d say, especially this year, his chances are slim. I’m optimistic but realistic. My son really wants to go to Michigan so I am rooting for him as I am rooting for all of you!


I really really hope that your son gets in. If your son gets in, perhaps more kids from his school will be inspired to apply next year. Every kid who does their best within their own environment deserves a fair shot.

My teen goes to a school with lots of resources. They’re not a feeder school per se but a few kids go to UMich every year. Not to take away credit from my child but I’m acutely aware of how privilege stacks up for kids like mine.

Good luck to your son! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

My son was postponed as an Early Action applicant. Do you think there is a possibility of a 3pm wave this Friday, so that more students can be admitted who applied to Ross. I have heard you cannot be admitted to Ross until you are admitted to Michigan. However, not many students from his school have gotten in, it seems to be many legacies. Do you think a 3pm regular wave would enable a ross acceptance around 5? Or would he need to wait for the 4/16 Ross decision date?


Thanks - I hope your teen gets in too. Whatever happens - your teen - my son - everyone here - they will all go someplace great. They will excel wherever they go. My son’s school may not be bursting at the seams with AP classes but it is a nice, safe school with caring teachers. I am just going to have to trust the process - the holistic review - and have faith that everything happens for a reason!


Agree. I think it means nothing at all, other than last chance to send in your financial aid documents if you have not done so and it was a targeted email to those who have not sent them in. Hence why only the people who haven’t completed them received the email.

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I got it at 7:44 est.

Is there any chance that there could be a wave today?


Maybe idk? School of Kinesiology only gets 1500 applicants each year so I feel like that could come out early maybe today.

Does anyone know how competitive Taubman is? I applied LSA preferred admission to Taubman and got deferred and I want to know if I should have applied directly to Taubman