University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I am praying to the Stress Fracture Fairy for a miracle!

They’re going to need outside shooting to counter the FSU Mon-Stars on Saturday.

If it’s a real stress fracture… He’s done. If they sent him to me… He would be playing this weekend… Lol.

Great, Great Game but Michigan gave up some really easy points the last two games and missed some really, really points and Hunter making freshman mistakes…away from the basket or play. Double Agh. . Twice… Agh…

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Sister Jean… She’s magical. I have watched a lot of their games. Porter is a great coach. He needs to be paid now…

BTW - the other sports at Michigan are all doing well. Being on campus should be lively today…


Livers is out for the season.

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If he’s not it’s not a real stress fracture. They better have him on a bone stimulator on him and inject him with growth factor (PRP sucks)… Wagner needs a big game now . He’s playing defense but love to see him in the spotlight since he’s gone after this season.

Sorry Scripps… Lol… Swear it’s my phone autocorrect not me🤣.

You don’t need to like sports at Michigan but incase you’re getting bored…

I taped it. And I’m watching it now.

I really love how LSU plays with half court traps, 2-2-1 3/4 court press, etc. And Juwan even broke out a 2-3 zone and they faked the zone and dropped into man-to-man D.

So far great strategic game. I know the ending because my D kept giving me updates.

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What are some ways students afford tuition OOS? Is it worth it to you guys?

You should really not to go a school that you can’t afford. Especially with the pandemic still lingering but hopefully things will be better this fall. Students can take out $27,500/4 years. Rest is on your parents. That’s a manageable amount to pay back over time.

Students do work study or get a school year job. During normal times it’s easy but during the pandemic not sure how easy. Lots of students work like 8-10 hours /week and will make like $1500 /semester or similar. If going full time that’s plenty so it’s spending money. Of course working summers to gain some funds.

Some will do co-ops depending on your field. Much easier and decent pay on in like CS vs Psychology and can make like $20,000/semester. You don’t pay tuition during those times. Talk to the internship /coop office. Of course because of something like the pandemic think of it as extra money not money you have to have. My son’s internship was canceled last summer so he had to pivot.

No, it’s not worth it. You’ll wind up having a lot of FOMO when your friends who can afford to do things that you can’t are off spending money or going on trips all the time and you have to work to make money or just can’t go because you can’t afford it. This can also be as simple as going out to frequent dinners or sporting events etc. Also if one wants to join Greek life that’s a whole other story and expense.


A bit off-topic, but has anyone seen another school’s thread with nearly as many posts as this one has? We are closing in on 5,000! Go Blue!


I think it speaks of the passion for those who want to attend but the huge number of posts is most likely due to the uncertainty of release times. I feel like @Knowsstuff and @sushiritto are my personal counselors & that they may be sending me a bill after all of this. Everyone on here is so supportive for that matter - we are all anxiously waiting and hoping for the best for all these awesome students!


Haven’t checked but University of Texas has a lot usually. I was actually thinking the same thing. Too bad we can’t give number 5,000 free admission or something :wink:


That’s very kind. Let the administration know your pleased. No bill just a percentage of future earnings… :rofl:

I will be on campus tomorrow if any questions. Going to the farmers market in Kerry Town and walking around. Maybe a Chipati at Pizza Bob’s. But no Hot Fudge Chocolate chip shakes… I am getting into shape… :muscle:


One reason is because this “Early Action” thread has morphed into a “Regular Decision” thread. There is another thread for “Regular Decision” that I started because I couldn’t find a “Regular Decision” thread. If I knew that this thread was going to morph into the RD thread, I would have pointed that thread to this thread. Does anyone know if these threads can be merged?

It’s about time. You’ve really been letting yourself go the last few years. :joy:

Since I coached women’s b-ball, the 6-seeded Wolverines are winning 28-19 at the half against the 3-seeded Tennessee Volunteers.

Probably it’s not because of the passion, at least in my case. I noticed that the schools with the worst admission processes attracted more people on the posts, such examples include but not limited to UM, UT Austin.
Lack of transparency ==> more anxiety ==> more people on CC posts to speculate, vent …
I do agree that @Knowsstuff and @sushiritto are valuable for this group.


As a parent with a UT kid, thankfully my senior this year didn’t apply, I 100% agree. If I had to go through this both with UT and again with UM I would probably have not survived, lol.

Terrible process and lack of transparency by both schools. I am so thankful my UT one was admitted in early December her year because what they do (and I do remember it sucking that year for people too, everyone just has amnesia from year to year) was horrible. But as I said, a few months out, everyone has amnesia and is just happy to be at those schools.

No different than both UT and UM doing a lousy job with covid, but in 6 months if they’re past that, and I think UM did a much worse job with it, no one will care. Especially if their bball team is somehow miraculously able to make it much further in the NCAA tournament and not make the Big 10 look like a joke like every other one of them has looked. :frowning: But especially my Jayhawks…what a whooping.


Wait a second…hold up…if my kid ends up at Michigan, do I have to pull for Michigan all of a sudden?

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