University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I found the email, it was sent to me too went to spam.


Congratulations on your acceptance to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA)! Do you have questions about academics at U-M? If so, we encourage you to call in to speak with LSA academic advisors.

We invite you or your parent(s) or guardian(s) to call 734-764-8770 on the following dates:

Wednesday, March 24 (3-7 p.m.)



I don’t remember anything like it. My initial impression is that it’s some sort of combination of a “recruiting session,” and speaking to her about her proposed major and AP credits. :man_shrugging:

Do we have any idea if there will be another wave this Friday?

It’s a sell job and information session to help convince you they want you plus of course to answer questions. So if you got any… Then it might be helpful. If your between a few school it might be worthwhile but of course you could just reach out on your own also.

But you bring up a good point… People should check their spam boxes during releases. A few years ago many students seemed to find decisions that were in their spam folders. Might as well take a few seconds and see what’s in there.

It’s her first choice, but she really wants business. So we will definitely take the time to see what will work for her if Ross doesn’t come through.

By the way I agree with others here that you @Knowsstuff @sushiritto and also @srparent15 have been great assets. Hope to continue the conversation on the other side if your kids decide to go to Mich and we need advice about all things Michigan.


Rumor has it, most likely.


Rumor from this thread that it will most likely be 3/26 or 4/2 or have you heard something recently?

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I’m expecting a wave this Friday and then the final wave next Friday. Next Friday will be the biggest wave bc it’ll most likely have a bunch of acceptances + all rejections, so I don’t know how big the wave will be this Friday, but it could also be large.


I agree that there will likely be a wave this Friday. We have to stop thinking in previous years’ patterns because this year is totally unconventional. We’ve already seen Michigan break patterns, and I think their RD plan will look very unique. Perhaps Friday will be the final batch of deferred EA applicants hearing back with some RD, and next Friday will be all RD. It could be something else, who knows!


I’ve heard from people in this thread.

I agree with this.

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You guys have to stop it or @sushirittos head will explode and that would be messy. :rofl:

So you don’t need Ross at Michigan to get a good job at Michigan. It’s more what you do at Michigan. If you have a business school acceptance already then great but pm me and I can give you examples of what I am talking about. My engineering son probably does more business stuff then the avg Ross Student. At Michigan it’s all there for the taking.

My sons job offer they interviewed engineering, LSA and Ross for the same positions. Does Ross have some advantages. Yes. But many kids get great jobs without it. My son said all his economic friends had jobs lined up very early this year. Who’s who of companies… FYI


Where did you hear this? Or is it your best guess-timate. Thanks!

I can’t speak for them, but this was heard when Michigan said all applicants will hear before April, and the last Friday before April is this Friday. Now they did recently say applicants will hear in early May, but admissions tends to bend the truth just like when they said there will not be another wave until late March (which was just not true), so maybe there is still a chance for 3/26.

I trust the words of sushiritto and they said 3/26 so I’m very confident about it!

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Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. :grinning: I said 3/26 or 4/2. And that’s from many pages back when @danloeb posted here and he/she seems to be connected in some way to the AO. Or not. :upside_down_face:


On central campus now 100 % of students are wearing masks. Have to figure out how to upload pics of my pita salad (Chipati) :wink:.

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Diet hint: Don’t eat the pita. Bread bad. :grinning:

Does anyone have any thoughts/advice on Facebook groups for Parents of the incoming UM class (UM graduating class of 2025)? There are a couple, they aren’t official, and I wonder if they’re worthwhile.

Also wondering about the LSA honors program - couldn’t find a useful thread on that. Thoughts on getting in to honors, value of the program, etc.?