University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

So, so good though… :wink:

If you can get in to honors, definitely do it.
Best housing-south quad
Students also have their own advisors out of the honors program. There are only about 500 students as compared to 7000 total.
You can potentially adjust certain classes to have an honors tag which is nice.
and if you decide not to continue after sophomore year, your transcript of diploma (can’t remember if it’s one or both), shows your honors participation.
Worth it for the freshman housing and advising alone!

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I did not specifically hear that from anyone, purely a guess, but I’m fairly confident in it.

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The non-Honors advising is fantastic as well. My D has 2-3 advisors for major, minor, etc. And most students only need advising just prior to registration each semester. Honors also get their own lounge in South Quad.

Speaking of South Quad, East and West Quads are smaller, nicer with AC and architecturally FAR better looking. From the outside, South Quad isn’t a looker.

Also, MoJo and Couzens are much better too, but they’re located on The Hill, which isn’t a big deal to me.

Lastly, the bulk of the classes at UMich are non-Honors. So, for the most part, you take classes with the rest of the “plebs” and do some extra work for the Honors designation arranged by you and your teacher prior to course start.

There’s no priority class registration, which is typically why students do honors at other schools. Out of a class or 7,000, only about 2,000 kids apply.

Can you pick stocks? :wink:

True about the other dorms (does SQ not have AC?) but it’s not like you can request them. Trying to avoid N Campus. Unless you get into a learning community N Campus is a likely possibility for freshman, right?

I don’t think South Quad has AC, but then it’s only needed for a couple months in the Fall anyway. And the weather has been nice the past week or two, so maybe a few weeks in the Spring before finals in late April.

Both @Knowsstuff 's S and my D were placed in West Quad as freshman. I think I did an “exhaustive study” :grinning: of rooms on campus and I vaguely remember it was about 60/40, with 40% being assigned to North Campus. But that estimate could be off now.

North Campus doesn’t bother me as much as Oxford and Fletcher, which are kinda off by themselves and have very small numbers of freshman living there.

I was stranded out in Bursley as a freshman (ancient history) so I have a fear of that happening to my kid :laughing: I didn’t even know Freshmen could be put in Oxford or Fletcher.

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So, I did another “exhaustive” survey of freshman dorms at Michigan and here’s the info that I found with a bit of googling:

Central Campus & The Hill:
South Quad 1,170
West Quad 1,100
East Quad 850
Couzens 520
MoJo 430
Alice Lloyd 520
Markley 1,180
Central Campus & The Hill = 5,770

North Campus:
Bursley 1,270
Baits II 570
North Campus = 1,840

“Not Quite” Central Campus:
Fletcher 75
Oxford 350
Fletcher & Oxford = 425

Total = 8.035 Freshman Housing

Central Campus & The Hill = 72%
North Campus = 23%
Fletcher & Oxford = 5%

I don’t guarantee any of the info above to be mistake free, since I make plenty of mistakes. And the %'s likely do NOT represent your chances of getting one type location over another. Informational and illustrative purposes only. :innocent:

Oh, there’s other housing like Cook or Barbour, where it’s female only. I didn’t include those really small buildings. And Northwood, townhouses, I believe.

Edit again: North Quad and Stockwell aren’t for freshman, but they’re REALLY nice!

I use to own premium shares in that club.

Alas, S21 is awaiting a decision from Duke.

No no no the bread is delicious. Dip it in the dressing the chipati is the most perfect food!

Some South Quad dorms have a/c but the majority do not. My son’s south quad single had a/c and the rooms without it were unbearable (to me) and looked absolutely miserable, but I guess it’s only necessary for a very short time at the start of fall semester. When I was at Texas a million years ago, there were still dorms without ac (in AUSTIN, in AUGUST!!) One of my best friends was in one without a/c and that was just crazy hot. She survived though, and so will everyone who gets a non air conditioned dorm at UMich next year. Fans have come a long way too!

Hi guys! So I won this national award thing and it was after I submitted my LOCI. Im wondering if I should update UM on this (because they kinda said to not send in anything else). Let me know thank you!

I wouldn’t. They’re so busy reading apps, plus they explicitly said we don’t want more materials after the LOCI. My friend was postponed EA and sent an email to an AO (at Mich) after the LOCI and they responded essentially saying “congrats on your accomplishment, but this won’t be added to your file”. I guess if you update them, they’ll be aware of your award cuz they will have read it in your email, but they could get salty about the fact that you went against their directions. That’s just my opinion.

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Deleted off-topic question.

@Knowsstuff My D had the call today with the advisor. He asked her a few questions about what her interests are, she said business, he told her about some interesting programs in LSA. He also said it would be fairly easy to transfer into any other school, but for Ross of CoE. He told her to call back after the final Ross decisions come out. The entire call was about a 1/2. Nice touch for a large university.

Tonight we watched the webinar on financial aid for OOS students. There wasn’t much we didn’t know already, other than setting up your Wolverine Connect account - he said that is important for any financial aid/non merit aid.

For those of you the applied RD, it sounded like the mini wave was only EA applicants. I only say this because they started of by welcoming all the EA admits and said how much to enjoyed reading the apps, I took this comment with a grain of salt. Nice for the kids to hear. As a parent, I found it a little fake, but maybe I am too cynical.

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This is what it says in the web search.
“Gmail doesn’t have folders. It has labels instead which are available on the left panel. The panel is collapsible and can be toggled by clicking on the 3-bar menu icon that’s to the left of the Gmail logo in the top left. Can you please do that and check if that helps?”

Thank you so much for your opinion! I greatly appreciate it!

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This is my first post here. I was wondering if CoE offers merit money to OOS students?
And how do you compare UMich/GT/UNC for Biomedical Engineering?

They just held a webinar tonight, if you go on admitted student events you can watch the webinar.