University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I am also international and I also see “financial planning”

You also got “preferred admission status”

I was accepted Early action and I have the withdraw application button. I believe it probably means that those without it will receive their decision today


yeah, that’s because I applied for preferred admission

sounds like I won’t receive decision today. Sad :frowning: . But I got into Berkeley yesterday, so whatever.

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So if we don’t have it does that mean we most likely got rejected?

no-one knows

no it does not mean that. everyone needs to chill out.

No I don’t think so, I think the button means something but no one actually knows

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does any deferred EA applicant have the ap/ib credit informatoin button under applciation tab

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I do

I do

It can well be a different scenario, such as people missing withdraw are rejected. Congratulations to your admission to Berkeley. It is a tough school though. Be prepared …


Is poly sci at umica OOS worth 100k+ in debt if I can go to ucsd for polysci debt free? I plan on going to grad school

That’s there if you submitted AP test scores.

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@skieurope can you switch on slow mode here as well, just like you did for berkeley yesterday?? people are going crazy with the speculation thingy again

Thank you! I know. I am bio major and international. Sounds like I will struggle a little bit if I go there :slight_smile:

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My portal still says no later than early April

We already figured out that different parts of the same portal say different things.

Your capability has been acknowledged by Berkeley. I am sure you will succeed there. Good luck!