University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

It was right at Berkeley tho!

Thank you! Good luck to you too!


so whats the forum opinions, on withdraw or no withdraw button?

either people will hear today/ next Friday or reject/waitlist and accept like at Berkeley

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so anything basically…



No withdraw=decision today… that seems to be the consensus


thanks for responding. If admitted people have the withdraw button, and now today most don’t have it and a few do, I would think not having it means rejected, no need to withdraw your app because you’re done

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my withdraw button is gone. where would the withdraw. button be normally?

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Go where you can graduate debt-free, especially if you’re planning on grad school.


do you think umich triumphs ucsd to the point where 100k of debt is worth it? I know they’re both ranked top 10 for poly science in nation.

Yes, I believe the majority of acceptances for all schools at UMich (Ross, CoE, LSA, Kinesiology, Nursing, etc.) have been released already.

Is this year different than any other year, yes and no, IMO. Timing is different for sure, but there was an EA release and one RD wave, with a 2nd RD wave coming hopefully today. There’s likely no 3rd RD wave, which is different than usual.

Go to UCSD money is really important and you won’t regret having saved 100k+ when it’s time to apply to grad school! UCSD is really good so you will definitely get a good education there


It used to be under Application View, see post above with pic

I did not slow down the Berkeley thread because of the speculation; I slowed it because of the troIIs and some other nastiness.

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@jntwinmama Thank you for posting.

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So this wave as far as acceptances will be mainly RD and very unlikely EA.

i heard from an insider that majority are EA applicants

EA is now considered RD. But I’m sure it’s a mixture of both old EA and RD.
