University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

What is the UMich waitlist stats in the past years?

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I can send you links on their admission process but it comes down to… “who knows”… Many Uber qualified people didn’t get accepted. Be happy with your other choices. Yearly we hear about the amazing schools the students end up at and… Like… Good luck to you.

Applied EA, get deferred. Wait for RD wave, get waitlisted. FeelsBadMan


Ice cream :shaved_ice::yum:… Trust me…

Guys I have a question about how safe Ann Arbor is. I really love UMich (and still waiting for a decision) BUT my parents don’t want me to go there since it’s close to Detroit which kinda has a reputation for not being really safe… so basically is UMich (and Ann Arbor in general) safe??

it is like a half hour drive to detroit so not to worry. it is an artsy town and very good for college life. Beautiful campus and bright people.

AA is pretty far from Detroit 45 min to an hour. It’s very liberal too and cops every where usually so

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AA is one hour away from Detroit by car. The city is safe and pleasant, very different from urban Detroit.

Also, Detroit is improving. It is not all “8 Mile”, or for that matter, “Robocop”. Like any US city, you need to know where to go and how to act.

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It’s also one of the best college towns

Does it really not say until the last paragraph? My son told me he was rejected but I’m worried he didn’t read all the way to the bottom. I’m scared to ask him to look again because there are so many rejections coming in I’m worried it will make it feel like he just got rejected twice. We expect two more rejections in the next day and a half so I don’t want to ask him to check this one again unless it is really, really unclear at the top of the letter that a waitlist offer is down below.

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I sent my D18 there. nuff said.

She has walked to her apartment at 11:00 PM-Midnight with her luggage after being dropped off at the Blake Transit Center, which is a few blocks from Central Campus.

Thank you so much for all your replies they really help. I’ll tell my parents about that if I get in because I really really want to go there. Thanks guys!

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Maybe if I get in, I’ll see ya there ! We got this :triumph::muscle:t3:

Indeed! :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

It is extremely safe. I was there over the weekend and I am OK… Lol… It’s like the top rated campus for years. You are no where close to Detroit BTW.

We’ve been all over the world, including many, many places in Europe, and we’ve NEVER been to a country where 1) my husband doesn’t wear his UMich gear, and 2) someone/more like many, many people shout GO BLUE! I doubt there are many/any schools with more name recognition than Michigan. On the other hand, my twins didn’t realize Cal WAS Berkeley until this year talking about applications.


Does Michigan accept LOCI if you are put on the waitlist? Or is it better to just send your final grades and nothing else?

BTW… Areas of Detroit have $500,000 houses and one of the best Jazz festivals in the country. It’s much different from what you read about but again your no where remotely close.

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There is a link above but they don’t want anything unless they ask for it.

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