University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I agree! But, my twins are not into college football/sports, and even if they were, we don’t see as many Pac-12 games (because they are usually on so late here). The crazy thing is that we visited Cal a couple of years ago, so they were on campus and bought stuff at the bookstore. But when we were going over where to apply, I said something like, what UC schools do you want to apply to? UCLA? Cal? UCSB? UCSD? and they were both like, “what’s Cal?” I was confused, and I said, “Cal, California, Berkeley” They were like, “oh! Berkeley! Why didn’t you say so?”
HUH? And they are smart girls. They got into Michigan! :grinning:


Over which UC if I may ask?

Congratulations! I hope I can return the favor and help you as much as you’ve helped me! Wild that we might have kids at the same schools!

Sorry, I don’t understand the question, as it relates to the post about my D walking to her A2 apartment at night.

yes, it’s the very last paragraph. very annoying! but you can ask your son to check again to see if there is an option under the resolve tab that says “accept/decline waitlist offer” or something similar to that

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Thought we were rejected. Read 3/4 the way down then closed the computer disappointed.Saw a post that it says they found at the bottom of the page a wait list option. Went back and looked; sure enough-waitlisted option is there. Why didn’t they say that from the start? Ugh


Did everyone that got rejected have a waitlist option all the way down on the bottom?

Did I remember correctly that you live in CA? UM tuition is much higher for OOS than UC in-state. I was referring to your post that you sent your D to UM

does anyone have any ideas on what the waitlist acceptance stats will be like this year

Oh. UCLA, Davis and UCSB. And SLO, which my youngest will be attending in the Fall.

Native Detroiter (yes, the city proper) and Umich alum here. Your parents idea of Detroit is misguided (guess you better avoid Chicago, New York and all schools near a big city!), not to mention Ann Arbor is 45 minutes away and is a city unto its own. Are you sure you researched UM well enough lol? You should probably know where it’s located and it’s campus safety record before accepting admission there :wink:


2 people from my school applied and got decisions today but I’m the only one who didn’t get one :kissing::thinking:? Idky I didn’t

Growing up in suburbs of Detroit when going to University of Michigan or Michigan State people would just say “Michigan or State”. Working in Suburbs of Chicago (but living in the city), when people ask me where my son goes I just say Michigan and they always say “The one in Ann Arbor”… Agh… :thinking:

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Does your source know when the next wave of decisions will be by any chance ?

No, they didn’t. But my speculation would be next Friday 4/2.

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Thanks for the reply! I actually know a ton of things about UM and its location but I just wanted to get someone’s thoughts. It’s more for my parents to understand that the campus is really safe, so thank you for pointing this out!! I’m still waiting for a decision so hopefully I’ll get in (and probably decide to attend). :upside_down_face:


Super bummed that I was waitlisted, and even more so that my application to Ross was automatically withdrawn - poured my heart and soul into the portfolio but I guess didn’t put enough into the general essays. Definitely hurts that all the portfolio work will not even be read :frowning:

I’m sure this is being asked above but I don’t really want to scroll and see all the accepted posts for now - is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting off the waitlist? Seems like U-M doesn’t accept any additional materials. Should I just assume it’s a soft rejection? Thanks

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April 16th

Congrats on your daughter going to Slo