University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Pm me and will go from there. This forum really not the place but will give you the goods on what to do.

I’m in state and PERSONALLY, I love the school. There may be some bias involved lol . But while cases are high, Michigan is vaccinating A LOT of people each day around (50k or so if I’m not mistaken) . Who knows, maybe Michigan will administer vaccines to its students, but as far as we know the school will be open in person this fall.

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Yes. I think my D took Chem, Math and the foreign language placement tests. You take them before orientation.

Please don’t say that. Rejections hit HARD for some. My son was EA and booted no waitlist just last Friday. We can’t even talk about this yet in our family…that’s how bad this is for some. In fact he wasn’t even offered satellite campus in Dearborn and now that’s probably too late for him even to apply for it in hopes to transfer over “one day.“ He was told via form letter he can transfer in TWO YEARS?! What is that…why can’t he apply to transfer after 1 or 2 semesters like our UM friends tell us? His 89 year old grandmother in Michigan cried when he had to tell her - and I’ve seen her cry only twice in my life. We are OOS. Why don’t they just flipping call it a lottery system like it really is and it wouldn’t hurt so badly. This IS personal. He went the extra mile in every direction for this school. All TWELVE alumni he personally interviewed as part of his research felt he would get in. He sat in on zoom classes. This is a damn mess. No 2nd choice of the 15 schools he applied to. He only asks that we choose for him because he really, really doesn’t care anymore.


Can you wait a week or two?Campus itself is kinda dead but students walking around. It’s a great campus. It’s always rated like one of the best campuses for a reason and Ann Arbor is rated like one of the best cities to live in. You can’t go wrong with the school or campus. Many internationals and families that can’t afford it don’t ever see the school till they come for orientation but I get it…


That’s heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. They get so many highly qualified candidates and OOS spots are so limited - they’re splitting hairs, I’m sure. And trying to assemble a class that’s “broadly diverse.” Although it will take a while to get over the hurt I’m sure he’ll end up at a place that’s also great. Hang in there.

Michigan does say in their transfer literature that they prefer (close to) Junior-level status in terms of credits (think somewhere approaching 40?), as it increases your chances of admissions. However, it is not a requirement, as I do know some kids who have successfully transferred to Michigan after one year. It is possible, so keep the faith. And I am so sorry about your son’s disappointment. It stings, no doubt.

Many moons ago, I too, was a transfer into UM. And two degrees from there later, everything before that feels but a distant memory. It sounds like he really wants this, so I am confident he will find his way to Ann Arbor!

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Yes, my son was admitted today to Honors (after deferral in the first round).

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BME is one of the hardest majors anywhere. If her plan is to go to medical school, there are certain courses that she will want to take over because any top medical school she wants to apply to will expect it and not want to see AP courses in lieu of some of the science requirements. If she isn’t interested in medical school then I would still be careful about using all AP courses for credit. You can look on their website to see what they take and what classes they give credit for. Taking the credit for AP BC is probably fine but if she needs to take Calc 3, she may have a slight disadvantage over students who took Calc 2 a Michigan. Not the end of the world, but the college course will just have gone into more depth. If BME is in Engineering there then there are limits to what they can claim for credit. For instance, AP Econ they only give something like 2 hours of credit for each Econ course as opposed to an actual course if I recall whereas some schools you get out of two full courses.

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Really sorry to hear this about your son and I find @Yourownsherlock comments really insensitive because we know plenty of people that were denied also, so to imply everyone was accepted or waitlisted was just heartless. It also doesn’t mean that your son was anything less than spectacular that he didn’t get in. No one knows in a given year what a school is looking for. My suggestion however as a parent is to have him look at the options he does have and start looking at those schools and what they have. Michigan is not the be all to end all and there is a school for him. That said, nothing is permanent. If he is miserable then he can leave after a year. But sometimes just giving something a chance is all one needs. There are thousands of kids especially this year getting their hearts broken every day.

That said, there is also no reason he can’t re-apply next year. My neighbor didn’t get in to UM the first time and re-applied after freshman year and got in and transferred and is majoring in CS. People transfer ALL the time. I know someone who transferred from University of Iowa to Northwestern after one semester! Crazy, right? So, he can sit there and dwell on it, or he can start planning now for what he wants to do and try to put himself in the best position to try to give it another shot. The downside there however is if he gives it another shot and it again doesn’t go his way will he be able to put it past him once and for all? If he isn’t then as a parent, you may want to consider the impact of him re-applying again down the line and just encouraging him to move on altogether. The hardest thing as a parent is to see our kids suffer. To see them suffer twice like that knowing there’s nothing we can do, is just brutal.


So just for information. There is a transfer thread here also. Most of the successful transfers tend to be coming in as Juniors. If less then that they tend to look at your high school grades and stats. For many they did great once they hit college but high school… Not so much. Also a very important point is that Michigan is extremely picky on what transfers and what doesn’t especially with math and sciences. Lots of kids are retaking some courses.

So… Talk to Michigan now and set a course forward. On the link there is an area to input what classes you intend to take at said school to see if it transfers cleanly. They also have transfer Tuesdays and you meet one on one with an advisor and discuss all of this.

My suggestion is put forth your best self where ever one lands… Lots of students don’t get their first choice but end up loving where they land.

Does umich let people in other schools transfer into Ross ? Like LSA → Ross Or is that a no no

So far, I have been accepted by UM honor, Rice, WashUSL, Vandy, Emory and others several Universities below top 30, I am not sure what major I am going to study, most likely STEM related. Could you have some suggestions? Thank you!

They don’t take a lot like 100 each year or so for transfer or minor

My kid is doing a entrepreneurship minor through Ross and loves it. Real life situations taught by CEOs of real companies…

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No… No one knows anything about you. But keep in mind that some schools are easier to move around and switch majors. That is what I would keep in mind first. Michigan will let you do that easily.

Thanks for your advice. Regarding switching major, as far as I know, it is not easy to switch to business school in UM. Also, for some CS courses, there are hundreds of students in one class. I think private colleges seems easier to switch the major and take a smaller class.

This is true and why having a path forward helps but you don’t need Ross at Michigan to go into business. Ross is just one path for that. Lots of schools have hundreds in the main lecture especially first year then break down to smaller discussion groups. There are advantages of small /large universities. Plus and minuses in everything we do and many of the campuses you states are drastically different from each other. Maybe finding size, fit, feel and what you want your 4 year campus life to be like would be helpful.

Thanks. Honestly, I really don’t know exactly what campus I am going to fit :upside_down_face:

Your post really touched me. My son’s personal essay was about how setbacks can propel you forward. Your son sounds amazing & can feel good that he went above and beyond & gave it his all. Another university will be blessed to have your son. He sounds like the kind of kid most places will appreciate. Have him hold his head up high & it’s ok to have a tiny chip on his shoulder if he uses it to kick butt somewhere else. When he accepts his Nobel prize one day he can think back and chuckle that Michigan passed him up.


Has anyone here who’s been accepted to umich committed yet?