University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Michigan had very few gap year students BTW… They also took more students last year since there was a drop in internationals due to the visa /flying restrictions.

Regarding gap year students from last year’s class:

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Also once again what your all seeing is then going through maintenance and getting ready for the results day. So they are also going to load your profiles etc. Some will have everything there and some will not…

On the release day you might see an hour or few hours prior more activity.

In reality they know most of the EA results already. But they state they go through your application 3 times. They need to finish up those few this week.

It’s almost here…

@sushiritto… You beat me… With good information


Do they allow in-state students to defer?

What does that mean. If not accepted EA most will go directly into RD. Then you are in the RD round. EA is over after that.

Not necessarily harder than any other year. Overall there are less seniors applying to college, per the common app data set. However, these seniors are applying to more colleges than in the past. When the dust settles these students can still only take just one spot at a college, so there will be a lot of shifting right up until the end. Michigan has a habit of taking students off their waitlist well into summer this year probably won’t be different. If deferred, everyone just needs to hang tight, follow whatever direction UM gives and decide what they want to do from there.


Defer enrollment. The link posted above only states that out-of-state students were granted deferrals.

That’s what I was thinking…

Read this one. Anyone not accepted EA (majority of students), go right into the RD pool. Read what they require. Do that…

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I don’t think you understand what I was asking, sorry if it wasn’t clear! I was asking a question about the link and subject @sushiritto posted, nothing about applications. I’m referring to those who defer their enrollment, taking a gap year.

I can only speculate, but UMich as a public school, grants few if any in-state deferred enrollments. The UC’s here in CA don’t allow it, though I’m sure there are exceptions to the rule.

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Well I am an international student who did not ask for financial aid so I hope you are right :grin:
We’ll see next Friday but yes and especially in Europe only few applied for foreign universities

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At other schools, international applicants were WAY up. Amherst reported something like 2.3x increase in Internationals. I think this is also why some schools pushed back their app deadlines from November 1 to November 15. I wish I can remember what article I read it in, but it was mentioned that international applications increased at schools the minute Biden won the election due to the expectation that he would ease immigration/visa restrictions, which he now has.

I think the hard thing here is if someone is an international, it’s harder to get financial aid, so if you don’t need it, you definitely have an advantage since most schools for internationals are need-aware.

I believe it also depends on the country we come from ? Here in France only very very few students applied for the US… I think it is the same for Germany, Spain and Italy maybe more in the UK?

Out of curiosity, do you international applicants know or have heard of many international applicants applying to colleges in California?

You would think because of the pandemic across the globe, most will want to stay close to home.

I am international and I applied to Californian schools. In my private high school many internationals also applied to Californian schools. I think international seniors from American high schools applied to the schools most American citizens applied to. I can not speak for internationals who actually finished school outside of the usa. But I still think that UCLA, UC Berkeley, Stanford, Caltech and USC were popular choices even this year

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I am an international applicant from India, and we tend to apply to a few California schools as their ranking is good, they admit a large class(some of them), and the weather reminds most of us of home. UCLA, UC Berkeley, Stanford, University of Southern California, and UCSD are always highly sought after and are so this year too. Caltech has seen a drop in applicants this year as they’re limiting their international acceptances to 1/6 or something of their usual amount, and a school like Caltech which anyway barely takes in students and even less international students has definitely seen students that would’ve applied in a normal year not apply this year. I am an example of that group too.

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Thank you. I realize it’s only anecdotal, but it’s still illuminating.

Over on the parent’s 2021 forum, a lot of OOS (US) parents appear hesitate to send their kids to CA, since campuses are closed, thus no campus visits, and at least SoCal is still having major pandemic issues.

FWIW, listening to the local news last night, our SF Bay Area ICU capacity increased from 1% to 23% this week, I believe. So a little bit of positive news in NorCal. Best of luck.

My apologies for the diversion. Back to shades of color. :joy:


Absolutely would agree with you. It seems many of the increased applicants are coming from Asian countries.

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Question to parents that have one student currently enrolled at U-M.
When you login to wolverineaccess as “parents & family” and select My Student’s Information do you have an option to “select a student” at the top with a dropdown showing the currently enrolled student, but the drop down is disabled?