University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I had planned on an individualized major there - It’s a living/learning humanities/arts-based program, where students also take 2/3 of their courses outside of the RC, lots more here:

One is likely a scholarship you applied for

LSA and Ross.

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That’s a quite interesting program. Good luck to you!

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That’s probably the reason, two schools

I was just confused cause everyone was talking about it like it was an admissions decision. To me it just looks like a list of applications I’ve submitted.

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It is essentially. I’ve had it for awhile

It’s just new to me. I tried to log in from the admission webpage as the original link was showing the big message in black.

I think they should let us in cause we care enough to be up this late searching for any and every clue

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That’s exactly right, demonstration of interest :grinning: :grinning: Good night.


And also give me/us a tuition discount, because I’m up late and I care. :sunglasses:


What time do they usually come out?

From what I heard it should be between 3-5pm Michigan Time. I definitely do not think it will arrive on Wednesday but on Friday

Wow I’m excited

i could throw up- i really hope it’s today

Do you guys all still have the program you applied for on the screen? I only have the message saying that they are being uploaded.

Mine says

FA 2021. Undergraduate L S & A. Lit, Sci, and the Arts UG Deg

then my application number then the date I applied

Apparently for Class of 2024 the screen we are all seeing now happened a few days before decisions, not on the day of decision.

But more importantly, last year people who got in EA had an X next the “Awaiting Final Transcript” at this link:

It seems people first started talking about this link on the date decisions would come out later that day. So it may be a way to see your decision early. So I would keep checking that link.

Right now that link goes nowhere for me. So not sure whether they fixed it or whether it goes live later. I would keep checking that link. It seems whether or not you had a X was 100 percent predictive of admission (Yes X) or deferral (No X)l last year. (there was also talk of seeing midyear on the list meant deferral but I didn’t follow up because I wanted to get this information out).

Here is an example from last year of what accepted students saw at that link hours before decisions came out:

Status Details Date
:heavy_check_mark:Received Counselor Recommendation 10/08/2019
:heavy_multiplication_x:Awaiting Final High School Transcript

:heavy_check_mark:Received High School Transcript 10/08/2019
:heavy_check_mark:Received Teacher Recommendation 10/08/2019
:heavy_check_mark:Received Test Score: ACT or SAT 09/13/2019
:heavy_check_mark:Received Application 10/08/2019

If you have that X next to “Awaiting Final High School Transcript”, last year, apparently it meant you were accepted.

Good luck everyone. Definitely soon!


Where does this say this?? On the application portal??

I have that for wolverine access, just nothing for enrollment connect!