University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Sort of. They admitted me, but they had an error about my file in their system so they unbound me as compensation for the error, if that makes sense. I’m still leaning towards that school, but I want to see where else I got in for fun, and because the whole thing was so stressful that it makes me wonder if I want to go there.

What school admitted you “ED”?

They never formally said they may release early but on a info session I was on for U of M and MSU, they said that Jan is their “latest deadline and you could hear back earlier.” I completely did not mean to say that they will, as I highly doubt it at this point… they extended their decision date by Jan. 31! But there’s always hope it could be a little bit early.

I strongly believe my daughter has a good chance of acceptance (good scores, amazing relationship with teacher who wrote recommendation, etc) but I have to admit I am a little wary of umich now (and honestly reluctant to send her when she gets in) having seen how they handled Covid. My oldest goes there, and we as OOS parents, were pretty disappointed with how the university handled the whole thing. It’ll be interesting to see if that deterred any prospective students from applying,.


My oldest is a junior at UMich. She lives about 5 minutes from campus, but may have been on campus maybe once or twice. All her classes, labs and sorority functions have been remote. While it’s not fun to be holed up in her apartment since August, it’s proven to be successful both academically and medically. Knock on wood.

And a vaccine is coming. I wish D21 would apply RD, but so far no luck.

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I totally agree. My senior son at Michigan wants to be nowhere else but at Michigan. I drove 600 miles in one day to pick him up for Thanksgiving and bring him back. He just can’t get “into” it at home with us nagging him. Last spring and now he has flourished even academically… He works on campus remotely and runs his student org remotely and last spring had to pivot in two weeks to put on a major tech conference with major players like Microsoft. The University wanted to cancel it and he said… No way. Over 400 people logged in with some internationally. So yes, love to have it all normal but if you take precautions you “can” do it safely. He is in a coop house with 100 other upperclassmen and not one case of CV… So far… To me that is telling…
Theirs also has a chef so they don’t have to go anywhere for food either.

They have new testing on campus now also and things should be much different in the fall. Engineering is actually opening up more after the holidays when they go back on January. More live labs and classes etc according to the town hall 2 weeks ago…


Michigan’s handling of COVID has definitely dissuaded me! My daughter applied but If accepted, I’ll be working hard to talk her out of UM as an option. I also think it’s very expensive for a state school.

@CaBeachMom What are your objections to how they have handled things? (I know nothing about it)

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You will see drastic changes in the way they are handling covid this upcoming semester according to a townhall meeting I was on last week or so with engineering. They now have testing plentiful.

As far as an expensive public for instate it’s one of the best values. #1 public university once again with about 40 majors in the top 10. For OOS yes but not anymore then a lot of them out there for what you get. Constantly ranked the number 1 college campus, number 1 city to live in, etc etc. Facility’s are world class. Facility is world class, Hospital system is like number 5 in the country. It runs like a private school also. Small class sizes for the majority of majors. Even as a freshman many of my sons classes had 20 - 40 students since there are so many sections. Sure Chem class was large. The TA sessions were pretty small. They do give OOS financial aid, which many think is a myth. So many freshman want to stay on campus that just about every apartment, housing is sold out for next semester… That is telling.

My daughter went to 2 private school under 2,000 students and knew professors by first name and they knew her name. My sons experience is no different. He’s in engineering.

If your kids get involved on campus that makes all the difference.
It’s also a national brand. Not many publics are. Companies /employeers want these students since they know the rigor of the school. Your in classes with many students that were at the top of their classes. It’s a very difficult school. Kids are in the library etc on the weekends but also having fun. Wish your kids the best.

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Different perspective. We are from CA. I’d prefer UCLA and/or Berkeley. Clearly, less exoensive in state but less expensive for OOS students than Michigan. Better weather too!

Great schools, yes, but Pac-12 sports are awful and try to change your major at Cal or UCLA and see how easy it is compared to changing majors at UMich.

The COL in Ann Arbor is cheap, when compared to Westwood or Berkeley. Renting relatively newly built apartments in A2 has been easy for us.

UCLA and Cal have 20:1 student-teacher ratios. UMich is 15:1. Also, my D has no problem getting to see her advisors, GSI’s or professors. Access has been very easy.

Another example, getting into Ross as an internal transfer is better than a 50% probability. Recently, a relative of mine tried to transfer into Haas as a Cal undergraduate and even a starter one of their varsity teams (all Pac-12) with a 3.8 GPA was rejected by Haas.

You can argue that Covid was handled poorly at UMich, but with the 8th largest endowment at $12 Billion in the US (or thereabouts), they can make a very quick comeback. The UC’s will have a more difficult time.


Of course the COL is higher in CA!
We are huge PAC12 fans.

Hey, we all have our opinions. We’re entitled to them. Here’s mine again.

CA is the most populous state, with 40 Million residents, so of course, the UC’s have the most applications of any state system. My own D21 has applied to many UC’s and CSU’s, but I’m aware of the complaints about every campus. I’ve lived here all my life.

One of D18’s best friends attends UCLA. D18 attended her UCLA classes last year. UMich’s Winter semester ends in late April. So, summer is 4 months (great for internships BTW). Anyway, they take the same classes, but obviously at different schools. No comparison in my D18’s opinion. UCLA’s classes are much larger and few were paying attention.

USNWR rankings for UMich, if that means anything to readers, went from 28 to 27 to 25 to now 24. It’s moving up fairly quickly for a Top 25-30 institution.

Big picture. Lower COL means we save money after freshman year. Also, with generous AP credits by UMich and no registration hassles, D18 will graduate early. So we’ll save a semester’s worth of tuition as well. With two minors.

Other than a few fringe-y sports or small revenue sports (v-ball, water polo, etc.), the Pac-12 is awful. It’s the weakest Power 5 conference. Worst P5 league TV network. Cal and UCLA football and basketball are awful. Now, if you watch women’s Pac-12 soccer (Stanford, UCLA and USC), then you’re treated with elite play.

While it’s been a forgettable football season, and D18 truly misses the 111,000 fans walking up to the Big House on a Saturday, the UMich b-ball team is currently undefeated and has next year’s (2021) #1 recruiting class. By a large margin. UMich hockey is exciting too.

Every family makes a choice about fit and finances. UMich was the right decision for us.


Any differences in quality between Michigan, UCLA, and Berkeley are so negligible as to be meaningless. I would just be happy for my kids to go to any of those amazing schools.

That being said,

Go Blue!


Agree with above.

There are few publics where the avg LSA is 3.9 GPA unweighted with 32-35 Act… That’s for liberal arts. Engineering is higher. In the Big Ten conference the only school that comes close is Northwestern University… Which is a private school. This alone besides the national rankings is what really separates Michigan out.

I kinda find it funny that the Midwestern kids want to go to California but the California kids want to go to Michigan… Lol. Lots of Cali kids at Michigan… There must be a reason with Berkeley and Ucs for the taking…

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@Knowsstuff It’s because what is familiar to them is less exciting. My daughter is kind of meh about UVA, even though obviously it is an excellent school and would be in state tuition for us! She knows a lot of kids that have gone there, so it doesn’t seem as exciting or impressive for that reason (of course objectively she knows it is an excellent option). It’s all perspective!


About 550 Florida vs 1500 California and my state 1800 Illinois…

You’ll get at Least 3 season… 4 sometimes is pushing it… Lol :cloud_with_snow::joy::snowflake::snowman:


100 agree. We are in Illinois and going to UIUC is blah for engineering no matter how’s its ranked or known… That I get. Kids at least mine didn’t want to see their high school or city pals everyday at school. They wanted to meet different people.

I just take note when people call it just a public. Sure it is but I stated my reasoning above. Few publics take around 50 % instate.


@Knowsstuff Yes, also a pet peeve of mine, when people throw around the word ‘public’ assuming it means less than, easy to get into, etc. I live in Virginia. Our ‘publics’ include UVA, W&M, VT, etc. The vast majority of ‘privates’ in my state are small, not particularly selective, and overpriced (W&L is an obvious exception). I guess people in states with mediocre flagship institutions assume private schools are always better, I don’t know, but I have noticed that perception for years in these forums.


My son applied to UM Engineering for EA. When my daughters applied they were contacted about interviews and they had them before Thanksgiving of that year. The one big difference, aside from them being girls, is that EA deadline was 2 weeks earlier than this year.

Does anyone know if they’re not doing those interview this year? I recall that there was an email for them to sign up for a Hail interview but he hasn’t received anything.

Are there other applicants in the same boat or have any received that email with the link? It had a deadline to click for the interview so I’m assuming if it had gone out somehow it was missed. Nothing is in the spam email either so wondering if they didn’t do it this year and did interviews if they did them, differently. Again, this is only for Engineering as I know other programs don’t do interviews.
