University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

They are still doing them. As you know it’s sorta random to get one since there are usually not enough alumni for each student. Admissions & aid

It is NOT a disadvantage to not get one even though it might feel that way.

Yeah I know there’s no disadvantage, just wondered if they didn’t do it by sign up this time since if I recall correctly, my daughters had a link they were sent and a deadline to click the link and he didn’t get that. They knew someone who clicked the link that did later get an email saying there weren’t enough alumni to do the interviews but in this case he didn’t even get that.

He did wait until the last weekend to turn in his application so I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a que in the order applications were received and possibly even gave preference to students who haven’t visited.

My D21 also applied to Engineering. She didn’t realize you had to sign up for an interview, and she hasn’t had one. Hopefully this isn’t a problem…

My S21 received an email (before Thanksgiving) asking if he wanted an interview. He responded yes. We received an email last week letting us know they assigned an alum. He contacted my son yesterday and is having the interview this afternoon. I agree it is probably the availability of alumni that determines who gets an interview.

Just to reassure everyone. The interview process is to make the alumni happy to help and participate for most schools. You can Google the process of volunteering to be an interviewer. It is little if any reflection on your child if you get one. As stated it’s great practice for future endeavors. But if your asked and you say no is it a qualifier of your interests? I would think so… That is also why just have your kid look nice. Like brushing their hair would be a good idea :joy:, and just talk. Have like 3 questions to ask. You already know they will ask “Why Michigan” to some extent… Again, there should be no pressure at all. It’s just talking to another human being…

That’s great news! While it doesn’t mean anything, definitely good that he took advantage and even if there are things about UM and Engineering there that he knows, it’s ok to pretend he doesn’t and to ask those questions again. One good question to ask is why that person chose UM Engineering. It’s amazing how open they usually are. My daughter had someone who told her honestly at it wasn’t his first choice and then proceeded to say how he wound up loving it, blah blah. She really loved this guy. So much so that when she ultimately decided elsewhere she felt so bad and emailed him to tell him she decided to go somewhere else. She still has the text (or maybe it’s email) exchange with him because he was so complimentary of her. I should say that for her it was great because she was so firm that she did not want an interview and only clicked the link literally at the last minute and was so nervous about it, so it was a huge help for her and for the program she did go to that needed an interview. So these things can help your kid in more ways than you know!

Hope he has fun with it!! :slight_smile:

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Any idea when EA decisions will be released this year?

The theory is “Before” the end of January. Everything is pushed back this year.

Hello - first time posting. I see a lot of people are talking about interviews. My son did not have one, does that mean anything? Also can someone explain how the business school acceptances work? It’s confusing. First time mom.

I’m out of state and non-engineering, so I can’t explain how interviews work because I don’t qualify for one. I can, however, explain how the business school works because I applied there. What happens is essentially you submit two applications - one to your “home school” (LSA for me) and one to Ross. First, the LSA admissions team reads that application and decides whether or not to admit you. If they do, Ross then receives your application along with your portfolio and decides whether or not they should admit you. If LSA admits you and Ross does not, you can still attend Michigan at LSA and possibly transfer to Ross later on.

Interviews are only engineering and are random since there are not enough alumni to have one on one interviews. It doesn’t help or hurt the student but if offered one can show interest.

Unfortunately, if you’re not accepted into Ross BBA as freshman applicant, then you cannot transfer to Ross from a UMich school, such as LSA.

But you can still apply and be accepted for a Ross minor degree. See FAQ below.

I know someone who actually did transfer from LSA to Ross. Did they change this policy within the past couple of years?

Lsa to Ross is very hard. They accept like 100 students. The program to go directly in is like 3 years old or something like that so yes.

Just to people reading… You DON’T need Ross to go into the business world at Michigan. My senior son just told me many of the economics majors just got snatched up by major companies for current jobs… Many, many kids get great business jobs from Michigan NOT being in Ross. That is just one avenue.

It’s been a policy for at least a couple years, I believe. It’s possible they tweaked the policy when they went to BBA preferred admission.

I assume the person you know was rejected as freshman Ross applicant and then transferred during his/her sophomore/junior year from one of schools like LSA?

I can’t explain it, but that’s the rule. Actually makes no sense to me why you couldn’t apply twice as a UMich student.

The person I know graduated from Michigan in May 2018 or 2019 and transferred to Ross after their sophomore year. This might have been before they started BBA preferred admission.

The first year or two they were still tweaking it from what I remember


There’s the man with the answers. I’m out on the West Coast, so I hadn’t had my morning cup of coffee yet. :smiley:

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That’s not correct. You can still transfer. That’s the entire transfer application process for students. Its just that they give priority to students who previously did not apply to Ross. They admit about 100 applicants by transfer.

From the FAQ page:

I’d recommend calling Ross Admissions and ask to clarify. I know I’ve seen posts in the past couple years asking the question of whether to apply to Ross as a freshman or apply only to LSA and then apply for transfer to Ross as an internal candidate, since some freshman applicants didn’t want to be rejected as a freshman Ross applicant and then use their “one-shot.”