University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

what percentage of applicants are deferred? i’ve heard most do so what type of applicant does get accepted ea? i’m definitely feeling like that will be what i see unfortunately.

The UMichigan Class of 25 instagram followed my account and I have no clue how they know that I applied because the account is not in affiliation with UMich. Idk just a little weird. Has that happened to anyone else

If it is not affiliated with Michigan then they probs just saw you active on the UMich Instagram or something and want followers


did the weird message on the portal show up the yr before last yr too? if so, how many days after the message showed up did they release decisions?

I heard 3-4 days.

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Just searching again – did anyone apply to the school of education/TEPA?

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In the past EA releases, yes, around 3:00 PM PST. Last year was 2:51-ish PM EST.

And RD decisions are usually released around Midnight EST. But who knows this year.

wait so the portal closed… are we getting decisions today?

Apps are supposedly way up this year, but in the past few years, pre-Covid, around 20% or less are accepted. But I’d expect that number to go way down, since all the other top universities have seen their acceptance numbers go down with the increased amount of apps.

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Not likely today. If past years are a guide, Wed-Friday is best guess. Decisions typically come out a few days after the change that happened today.

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We don’t truly know if acceptances are going “way down”. Stop saying that its freaking seniors out. According to the common app data set, there’s actually less applicants this year; however, they are applying to MORE schools. Also, the current freshman class at these schools (im not 100% sure) may be smaller because less people committed to college last year and decided to do a gap year because of covid. Therefore, they can accept a larger incoming freshman class. I’m not 100% sure of all I’m saying, this is simply what my college counselor has said. But I’m tired of everyone freaking seniors out saying “numbers are going WAY down” when we don’t know the full story. Instead of freaking people out, let’s calm down and wait and hope all goes well. Thanks for my TED talk :slight_smile:


Yo nobody is trying to hack. People are just tryna see if there’s a Umich site glitch or something or an inspect element (common to everyone type screwup) so we can have an idea of whether we get in or not. We all love Umich, and we are NOT malicious. We will NOT hack. EVER.

I stand by what I said. I have a D21 waiting for decisions as well and I’m worried, but that’s normal.

The typical EA numbers at UMich have been around 40,000 EA apps in the past few years. The rumor here on this thread is that UMich received 55,000 EA apps, which wouldn’t surprise me. So, if apps are up, then acceptance rate will be down. UMich has accepted around 7,500-8,000 EA apps and a total of around 16,000 EA and RD apps in the past years. I don’t expect that to change.

You and your counselor aren’t paying attention to the numbers from other TOP universities. The common app data set is lower across ALL universities. I can pull the numbers from the other TOP universities, if you want me to. They’re being posted in the 2021 Parents Forum by school.

My D21 applied to only one school EA, Santa Clara U, and they had a record # of apps, a 5% increase. And that’s a small private school not ranked nearly as highly as UMich. And we know the UC system has broken a record for # of apps (250,000 IIRC). Also, SLO is the top CSU and it’s apps are up 4%.


well more apps doesn’t mean more qualified apps. thats the only thing im holding onto at this point.

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And GTech accepted more people than normal in Early Action


thats good news. thanks for the positibity :smile:

Did anyone’s Michigan portal change to “early action are currently being processed”?

Yes I think every EA applicant had the change early this morning.

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What does that mean?

But since there are fewer applicants this year, do you think big public universities like UMich and UCLA will accept more kids in anticipation of smaller yield? Or do you think they’ll accept the same numbers as previous years and just use their waitlist? I hope it’s the former because otherwise this thing will drag on until Aug/Sept! Poor class of 2021.