University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

i’m confused what email?

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i applied to LSA and i didn’t get an email

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me too

The email is for a specific program for teaching. If you aren’t applying for some kind of teaching program, don’t worry about it! :blush: I also freaked out but then I realized

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ohh okay thank you

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Does everyone see the withdrawal thing on enrollment connect? Seems like a common message.

What’s ur source

@pvan2002 I just heard that it is a good thing from a couple people on here. Couldn’t be sure though. If Pvan2002 is in state, though, that could entail good news too

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Are you in state?

Do you know of anyone who applied to TEPA who did not get that email a few weeks ago?
I’m hoping it’s good news but must admit that I’m skeptical!

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I am OOS haha. I am too but I’ve heard that it may be indicative of good news from previous year’s applicants!

If you check Class of 2024 thread you’ll find what I am referencing

can you explain again what is the thing that is “indicative of good news”?

Basically some people that applied to SOE got an email a couple weeks ago saying that IF they get into LSA, they’re automatically accepted into a program within SOE (which you’re suppose to hear back from in around May according to the website.) Last year, the same email went out and everyone who got it got accepted early. Again, causation does not equal correlation but it is interesting.

Wait this might be a stupid question, but does “processing applications” mean they are done and they are just double checking, or they are still making decisions

yes, I have that

I’m guessing theyre done with decisions.

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Not a stupid question. With around 50,000 decisions to send. I assume they are done. There might be a few here and there. Now they just need to finalize stuff. I am sure it’s much more complicated then just pushing send :wink:.


they received 50k EA applicants???

I think actually 55k+

EA? so how many will they get RD?