University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

oh sorry. yeah very few of us here have patents lol

Michigan is big on yield protection, however, this year since decisions are coming out so much later than usual, and the ED accepted applicants should have already withdrawn, one would hope that would help them not do that, because kids who applied to RD schools won’t be pulling out until April anyway and by then UM might miss their chance for those kids, especially if they haven’t had a chance to visit. My kid is in same boat. Very high stats, feeder school to UM, but expectation that some at our school with much lower stats will be accepted while he’s deferred.


I recall a question asking if you’ve visited campus and them wanting a date and thought that was so strange because how many actually had a chance to visit And, if they don’t consider demonstrated interest, why are they asking that? I also laughed because I know unless you’re HUGE donors, they really don’t consider legacy, yet their drop down on the common app asks about that as far back as grandparents, so…my son did put the date of his visit which was in 2018 when we were doing junior visits with his siblings, and his grandma went to UM but didn’t finish (also a question on there), but are they just collecting this for their own demographics? Strange. Also, it does sort of bother me that they ask for your income level. They had these questions the last go around too, so I assume some of it is really for demographical info, but why really? This time we clicked no financial aid anyway, but I admit it just rubs me wrong that they’re asking for a range of our income and how many people that income supports.

No kidding, and what high schooler has patents? Both my daughters got into UM Engineering and neither have any patent! Still don’t - and both went elsewhere!

If you want to get into Tulane, show them some love. I have 2 kids there and they often defer top candidates of whom they are not convinced it is a top choice. If it is, let them know!

Just an FYI - please try to keep on track here. This thread is being watched carefully. Just had a discussion with the moderator team. Be respectful. Thx :sunglasses:


I read that they ask about legacy connections so they can acknowledge the relationship when they communicate with your family. It also helps them calculate yield, as legacy kids tend to accept at a higher rate.

For my son, Having been rejected by ED, rejected at UNC, deferred by Case and Northeastern…it’s getting a bit discouraging! All of you work so hard and I hope you get good news tomorrow. He has MSU Honors with Lyman Briggs as a backup but it would be nice to have some choices. He spends hundreds of hours working with Michigan in a nonprofit so hopefully that helps but it seems like everyone has something like that. This is his top dream school (but we are OOS). And with Spartan parents…that says a lot!

Good luck everyone!


Quick question: what’s the 25th percentile SAT score at UMich? I was pretty disappointed with my 1290, but I’m not sure if its relative to the people around me. I’m an international student and the average is like 900 or something in my country lol. Also I do full IB Diploma and took some extra APs on the side (all pretty good grades). We also don’t do GPA since its IB. Not sure if that’s enough

25th percentile SAT is 1340

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the 25th and 75th percentiles for last year are 1340 and 1530

I can relate. Got accepted in Purdue but rejected from gtech. Its quite frustrating now.


has anyone submitted umich through common app recently and got the portal creation email? submitted mine few days back

I remember mine took a long time actually. I think it took a week and a half to two weeks, which was really scary. Just wait maybe a couple of more days, then If nothing happens, I would send an email to an officer :slight_smile:

Same with my son.

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I think it was a joke…2 patents meaning super competitive

it took at least 1.5-2 weeks for me, so don’t stress about it! as long as you successfully submitted through the common app, you can trust them to send it. if you don’t get it within 2 weeks, email them.

will umich release results tomorrow in waves (sort of like northeastern) or will they all come out at the same time?

Waves apparently

stop scaring ppl! we don’t need negative energy at this time :slight_smile: