University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Thanks a lot for the show of confidence @bergdev and @STr222

FWIW, the threads from previous years are filled with high stat applicants being accepted or deferred. I suggest you take a look.

Two years ago, I believe, someone with 4.0/1,600 was deferred, waitlisted and ultimately rejected. He went to Cal Tech instead.

In past years, they’ve received roughly 40,000 EA apps and accepted about 20% of them. So some fantastic applicants are deferred. It happens.

Best of luck.

Hey! I applied EA for fall 2021… I’m super nervous and Mich is a reach school for me. What do y’all think my chances are? Any help would be great!!

Major: Psych

AP: AP Psych - 4 on AP Psych exam

Honors: 12 honors

GPA: 3.43

First quarter senior gpa: 4.05

SAT: not taken

Recs: 2 teacher recs + alumni whose family owns the Mack Scholarship at Michigan

Extracurriculares: 2 varsity sports, co-president of a club, volunteer work, member of 2 clubs, public forum organization, anti-bullying day organization

Race: Black/African-American, Puerto Rican + Dominican

Supplementals: Why UMich, my volunteer work

Plenty of demonstrated interest :slight_smile:

Thank y’all!

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You applied like now or before November 15? All EA information was due on the 15.

Sorry I should’ve been more clear about that! I applied before nov. 15 like way before the due date hahah

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I have similar stats and everything for UMich so crossing my fingers for you!!! I think the admissions is kind of random so there’s no definite yes or no, but I believe in you!! We got this!! :grin:

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Yes we do!! Manifesting for us


Yup same. Hey nice to see you on here for Mich bro!

Michigan avg LSA student is 3.9 unweighted with a 32-35 Act… Getting As senior year is important for all schools. See what naviance for your school says. Also if your school has a history with Michigan what were the stats of those students being accepted? That should be your guide.

Does anyone know if Michigan defers applicants that they don’t have a chance to read? I heard last year they ran out of time and just deferred all the people they didn’t get to.

That’s a concern and/or theory that’s floated here every year. I know I’ve seen it posted going back maybe close to a decade now.

No, I think between computer algorithms and a team of humans they can review all the EA apps.and certainly wouldn’t catch them off guard every year.

Do you know what their EA acceptance rate is?

In past years, the EA acceptance rate has been around 20%. They have received around 40,000 EA apps and accept between 7,000-8,000 of those applicants early.

But many top universities have had their early apps increase, so it’ll be interesting to see if they release any EA news on social media or a press release.

I heard they had 55000 ea apps this uear from a college advisor

Maybe that number will decrease as people withdraw their apps (bc they got into their ED)?

Just withdrew mine. Hope that helps, but UofM admissions is such a tough nut to crack that, well, who knows? Good luck.


EA and RD apps have been flat for 3 or so years, but if true, then you’ll see many more deferrals.

Also, total apps may or may not remain around the 65,000-66,000 level. We don’t know. It’s all speculation.

Michigan is very opaque about everything Admissions.

I am guessing you got into one of your top choice school. Probably ED. Where did you get in??

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Dartmouth. Happy. Very. But know there was a lot of luck involved. Not so sure I would’ve gotten into UofM. It seems so unpredictable, especially for OOS.


congrats! @RemoteSenior

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