University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Have ice cream ready :shaved_ice::icecream:. With either type of decisions it works… Because it’s. Well… Ice cream… :joy:


haha I see it now, however I’ve seen a lot of crazy people with crazy stats be like I HaVe a 36 ACT 1600 SAT 10 TeCh InTeRnShIpS 7 NFPs aNd FoUnDeD a TeCh cOmpAny FoR tHe UnDeRsErVeD” on places like reddit and even here so it’s hard to differentiate between jokes and serious people :upside_down_face:

Haha exactly most of them ask for chance me’s too like I’m supposed to tell them they’re a shoe in :joy:. I checked a few other CC threads for schools as competitive as Michigan and admissions this year seems to be as crazy as ever so you never know what’s gonna happen. Hopefully we get news tomorrow.

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Same for my D21.

I don’t know CS specifically, because UMich doesn’t admit by major. UMich admits by school and CS is offered in both LSA and CoE.

Ross has about a 12% +/- acceptance rate overall, not sure of in-state versus OOS. If they follow the rest of the university’s freshman class, then roughly 50/50 in-state/OOS.

Thanks. CS in CoE. They did ask for major though, I think.

It’s pretty close to 50/50…

They ask for a major but you really don’t declare until end of sophomore year technically. Many kids change majors. It’s common.

So around what time do you guys think decisions will come out… I am super nervous

Does umich accept by major?

It’s not like the UC’s here in CA, where they do admit by major and it’s also difficult to change majors. UMich mentioned at our freshman orientation that 75-80% +/- of freshman change their majors at least once by graduation.

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Has everyone who’s applied to direct admit to Ross been getting Ross emails?

yup about things happening in ross

did anyone apply to umich (lsa) for pharmacy? i feel like i’ve seen a lot of business, cs, and education majors here LOL

I did apply to LSA but in neuroscience


yall someone please let a girl know when umich will prob release decisions I’ve been rejected & deferred twice in the same day and I would like to get this torture over with AHHAHSDKJFHALJKDHFA


im literallt out of state lololool hahahahahh tbis is such a rip


i cant even sleep bc im so nervous and i also put off all my hw since i took a personal day when i was rejected & deferred AHAHH anyways good luck everyone what happens happens :smiley:

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I know I’ve said it before, but for those of you who have never gone through college admissions with your kid before (that was me last year), if you/your kid gets “deferred” tomorrow, it is not game over. Do not despair, there is still hope. My kid was deferred last year, but he is a now a freshman in the college of engineering. It sucks because it means more waiting, but it turned out fine. I’m kind of expecting my 2021 twins to be deferred after our experience last year, but I know it’s kind of a shock when you don’t even realize that’s one of the answers you might get tomorrow. Somebody was speculating that since EA decisions are almost a month later this year (compared to last) that maybe there won’t be as many deferrals because many people who applied ED to other schools will have already withdrawn their applications. However, that is merely hearsay and I don’t think anyone knows if that is, indeed, the case. I guess we will all know something tomorrow. Good luck & if you see “deferred” it is NOT necessarily bad news.


first of all, love your username!! second i’m freaking out too!! ahhh i got deferred yesterday and there’s nooo way i’m getting in tmrw and i just want it to be over. also i think most people are saying tmrw at 3est:)