Hi so I want to apply to U of M but I am curious on what to do. I got a 2.5 my freshman year (rough time for me) but got it up to a 3.45. It is currently my junior year and I am taking my first 4 APs. So, my question is this. Should I do my prerequisites (graduation requirements gym and art) and take 6 APs my senior year (I’ll be able to handle it won’t get lower than a B and probably all As) or retake 2 of 6 classes I got a Cs on my freshman year and take the graduation requirements senior year which will take me down to 5 APs (It won’t bring my GPA up too much retaking classes but it should bring it up by .1)?
Use your question as a perfect opportunity to reach out to an admissions officer at UofM. Not only will they answer your question, but you will demonstrate interest and receive a direct answer.
I agree with @098123Student, if you contact any of the staff at UofM they’ll usually give you feedback within 2-3 business days. I do think you have a decent shot at getting in.
If you do apply and don’t get accepted, then attending a community college until you are at Junior status might help (but only do this if you don’t have other schools of choice! Community college is easier and you get tons more freedom).
I didn’t do super well in my freshmen year either (similar GPA that year compared to yours) so I just went to Lansing Community College until I had 60 credits, then transferred to UofM without any issue. That said, I never applied to UofM prior to enrolling into community college because my high school adviser told me that I’d never get in. Ask around!