University of New Hampshire Early Action for Fall 2023

Ugh it can be so arbitrary. So many kids have so many great GPAs and grades. It is hard to know what that special something is. My daughter’s high school has a partnership with the town the high school is in and the kids train as state certified EMS and actually go to all the emergencies in town that the town ambulance responds to even on main road (like Rt 495) and many have seen life/death situations. We are hoping this extra real hands on experience will set her apart but who knows


Posted at UNH this week :slight_smile:

UNH Again Earns ‘Best Value’ Status

“The University of New Hampshire has been ranked the No. 1 best value public university in New England for the second consecutive year and is a top-10 best value public university in the country, according to this year’s Best Value Schools rankings of National Universities released by U.S. News & World Report.“


Sounds awesome! Best of luck to your daughter!
My daughter ended up at UMaine Nursing, and she is perfectly happy there.
UNH was a top choice, and there was some heartbreak to get over, but with a little distance she gets it. I remember reading somewhere:
“Love the school that loves you back.” Such a good mantra!
We were surprised though, because she got into a few programs that we perceived to be just as competitive: besides UMaine-- URI, Sacred Heart, Brockport among others. It’s definitely arbitrary. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

So glad she loves UMaine - it is a great place with great people! They certainly need good nurses up there is she chooses to stay and there seem to be a lot of incentives from hospitals etc - at least that is what my son (another nursing major at Saint A’s) is finding out! Yes - totally love the school that loves you back - another one of my kids ended up at a state school after getting into Clemson, Vir Tech etc and the opportunities and offers he has had are huge! She sounds like a smart woman and as you both know, Nursing has endless opportunities!


Yes indeed- UMaine is such a great place. The flagship match deal at UMaine was also a no-brainer… extremely generous merit of $16,200/year, making tuition about the same as an in-state SUNY school, with arguably more resources and all the fan fare of a D1 school.


In the last few years, it seems like EA decisions began trickling out the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Good luck everybody!


Uh oh. D23 just got an email to set up a portal at the Manchester campus. I have no idea why she put that down as an option since there is no way she is going cross country to attend anything but the main campus.

But anyway I’m wondering if she is getting denied at Durham. Darn.

That does seem to portent a Manchester acceptance - what is the major she put down? Did she check that she would accept either campus - I did not think there was a “both” category but my D23 applied to many so I forget UNH!

biology which is a tough major for some acceptances, I’m reading. The funny thing is she just wants the sciences - not sure yet on which. Wishing we had thought to maybe have her apply to a different major.

Ugh it is a tough call on what to put for that major. Some majors are very difficult to transfer into as I am sure you know. Maybe it will be a first choice Bio in Manchester and second choice something else in Durham. Good luck

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Definitely check a few things because this is a little weird. The Durham and Manchester campuses do use the same portal so it may just be a glitch.

When did she submit the application? Just double check that she applied to the main campus in Durham, and not Manchester.

Manchester looks like they send their portal info within a few days.

Did she get a confirmation email or snail mail? The UNH Durham page states:
You will receive a confirmation email from the Common Application when your application was sent to UNH successfully. We follow up with a mailed letter notifying applicants of their UNH applicant ID typically within 7-10 days.

Fingers crossed.

Confirmed on Common App that she only listed Durham Campus. Her UNH portal lists both campuses.

She got a confirmation from Durham on the date she applied - 11/14. And then a confirmation from Machester today 11/28

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Interesting. I believe they are using a new vendor for the admissions processing this year. It may just be a weird glitch. Definitely have her reach out to admissions about the Manchester info sent.


Thank you!

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Ugh so should the rest of us be worried that there could be glitches or “lost” applications with this new vendor I wonder?

So did anyone get an email from the College of Health and Human Services Dean with a video asking to consider the school and that they see they got D23 application? Do they send this to all students or just those that might get in ???

My D23 did not receive the email your daughter received. She received a FAFSA email but we’ve already turned that in. Seems like UNH is changing up their start date this year. Good luck to everyone in the weeks ahead


No need to worry. The upgrades were needed. They are going with the same software many other colleges use.

With all colleges, just make sure your senior advocates for themselves if something does not seem to be working. Clemson had a number of issues a few years back, but some applicants did not monitor communications and never logged into their portals to make the needed updates.

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Thanks - yes she does check them weekly so that is a good practice to keep up!


My daughter also got an email for the CHHS from Dean Corazinni. I wonder if all CHHS applicants received the same email?!