University of Scranton EA Class of 2023

Thought this would be a good time to make the thread for University of Scranton EA Class of 2023! Feel free to post your stats and chat while waiting for decisions to come out!

Going back a few years looks like Scranton releasesEA admission acceptances around Dec 14th

Good luck!

@GmanCC thank you so much! can’t believe there’s only a month to go!

Only a week of two left, the waiting is so hard!!!

FB page shows them coordinating the mailings for accepted students. Hope to receive by end of next week for my DS2! Feeling confident on admission, it’s the merit aid that’s the big question.

^^^ I don’t see that. Main pic is the one with the wreath with the red bow and some snow on it in the foreground

Did not say it was the main pic.

Found it ! I hope the Admissions Elves are kind to us and send my D17 one, would be a great Christmas present :slight_smile:
Good luck all

Accepted 12/12/18
SAT: 1320
GPA: 91
Rank: School does not rank
Extra: President of club, Service, Internships, two jobs
State Residency: PA
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Girl

Applied date: Early October
Applied Early Action?: Yes
Decision date:12/12/18
Decision/College: undecided

It came in the mail today :slight_smile:

Accepted Nursing program with scholarsgip!!

Will pst stats later. Good luck to all

@GmanCC @jhynes4 Thanks for heads up! OMG the rest of the day is gonna drag.

@GmanCC @Sparcky Seeing the two of you on practically every board where my daughter applied. D also accepted to nursing today with Dean’s Scholarship. D has 4.14 WGPA, 1430 SAT, 9 APs, EMT, hospital internship, lots of EC/leadership/community service. Unfortunately, my D was too busy during the summary and fall to visit many schools, so we cast the net wider than I would have liked. As the final acceptances and financial aid packages come in, we will significantly narrow the list and schedule visits. No mention of honors in her letter.

@jdcollegedad SUNY Bing, UD, U of S, still have Loyola EA and TCNJ RD to go. Our visits were spread out over a couple years and also he saw some on older brother’s tours. Second go round we know a lot more about how scholarships will play out and targeted match schools where merit would be maximized. He and I both get home at 6, two hours to go… feedback later.

Got the letter today, Deans scholarship, 6 year PT doctorate program, 4.175 WGPA (out of 4.2), SAT 1470, ACT 34, 9 AP classes, the rest honors classes.

Did you get an email that there was an update aswell or just the letter? I applied EA and didn’t get anything in the mail:(

So disappointed, didn’t come today. Central Jersey.

Did you get an email that there was an update aswell or just the letter? I applied EA and didn’t get anything in the mail:(

D accepted today, Biology/physical therapy., Dean’s scholarship. Love that it was by regular mail vs portal and the envelope was great :slight_smile: Fingers crossed for everyone!

D accepted today - Psychology, Dean’s Scholarship. Letter in the mail (Awesome envelope :slight_smile:
Nothing on portal yet.

Good luck all!

Applied EA: 11/15
Accepted: 12/12/18
SAT: 1420
GPA: 3.6
5 AP classes, 8 honors classes
Extra: many theater and performing arts activities, honor society, Tri M music honor society, Girls State, Relay for Life, and more

Accepted today! Just got letter in mail. 5 year Masters in OT! Loyola Scholarship. 1260 SAT 3.7 uw GPA and lots of leadership, extracurriculars, etc