University of Scranton EA Class of 2023

I told my son tonight that Scranton is off his list. I did a 4 year projection with increases for all his schools and Scranton was the most expensive by far and would leave us no room for error. The Scranton name doesn’t justify his price differential to UD, LUM and TCNJ (or Bing which was already ruled out). Based on their annual Presidental Scholarship press release, it appears they are very focused on volunteer work and being president of many clubs. My son’s ECs were different and he had a job for 3 years, just wish I had seen those press releases sooner. Coulda saved some time. In the end he has realized he likes the others better anyway, so all’s well that ends without an unhappy kid. Best wishes to all.

When are the Presidential scholarships offered? My daughter has a lot of volunteering, sports, music, plays, honor societies and club officer experiences.

@Mjkacmom Not sure, someone said early Feb a while ago. We appealed his $21k scholarship and they tossed a $1k bone. Seeing UofS and LUM back to back brought a lot of clarity and it became an easy rule out.

Sparcky, we had to make that decision with Villanova, she wasn’t even asked to apply for the $15,000 scholarship, and even if she got it, it would’ve more than twice of Scranton, UD and Quinnipiac. I think Scranton is our least expensive option, but they are all close, so she can just pick the best fit. She is the middle child of 5, cost is important.

@Mjkacmom I’ve heard Villanova is notoriously skimpy on the scholarships. You gotta be able to flash the cash. They have that name recognition to be able to be picky. I only have two kids, but we are divorced and what we have saved is the limit of what we will spend and we won’t allow the kids to borrow more than the $25k federal student loan limit. Scranton is cutting it way too close. The others are better for a number of reasons and I’m actually relieved it’s off the list. Good luck!

@Mjkacmom I got my notification Feb 4th and it said only 34 were offered.

I am excited to announce that my DS has paid his deposit and confirmed his enrollment in the Class of 2023 at The University of Scranton! He joins his sister there in the Fall…we are soooooo happy!!! #RoyalFamily

@njstudent2021 Congratulations to you and your son! I can only imagine the sense of relief you all must be feeling. So hope to be in a similar place soon!

Thank you @EENYMum
Sending some positive vibes your way:)

still need to decide between Scranton and TCNJ. Going to come down to the Accepted Students day at TCNJ, but they are going to have a hard act to follow after U Scranton’s

Insane to go to Scranton over TCNJ… you must have money to burn…here you have a situation where the choice is between the expensive, relatively easy to get into Scranton vs the far more competitive and more prestigious TCNJ at a much lower price…hmmmmm

What is insane is your continued misguided belief that the University of Scranton is ALWAYS more expensive and less prestigious than TCNJ! The reality is that for some of us (both of my kids) the COA at Scranton is <= TCNJ. You also fail to realize that there are programs at Scranton that are every bit as “prestigious” if not better than at TCNJ (OT, DPT to name a few). I’m not taking anything away from TCNJ at all…it’s a terrific school and offers good value to New Jerseyans. However, when you continue to post ignorant/uninformed opinions without gathering a person’s COA, intended major, and how they value a private Jesuit education vs an in-state public…you come across sounding a little pretentious!

@blueskies12 D19 is down to two schools as well including U of Scranton. As parents we really were impressed with program she is interested in and all the other wonderful opportunities Scranton has to offer that cannot be found at most public schools. Insensitive response from njdadjets to your post, but I suppose “elite” is in the eye of the beholder. But as a frame of reference, I am in NY and have never heard of TCNJ, ever, until this thread…so yeah…it is all relative :slight_smile: We and Dd purposely avoided schools with that type of eltism vibe.

Well said @EENYMum! Good luck to both you and @blueskies12 with your decisions!

@EENYMum @njstudent2021 S committed to U Scranton last weekend. Cost is ~$1200 more than TCNJ, so that wasn’t a factor. Overall it had more to offer him for his major, sports, dorms, food, etc. Jesuit education was not a factor for us. He will be attending the college for Health Sciences there, and honestly, the facilities at TCNJ could not compare to what he is getting at Scranton. Go Royals!

@njdadjets I have had 2 accepted to TCNJ and although we really like the school, each child found it not to be the best choice for him. One because he felt the course selection was too limited and another because the facilities and support for his major were much stronger at the other school. My other 2 didn’t apply to TCNJ at all because they felt the school does not have a great reputation for engineering and CS. One thing I am sure of after going through this with 4 kids is each kid needs to find out what school is the best for him/her and it doesn’t matter what someone perceives as “prestigious” or what the rankings are. I love TCNJ and it’s a great regional school, just like Scranton is. But it wasn’t the right fit for my kids. And, the cost difference was minimal

Congrats to you and your S @blueskies12!

Big congrats @blueskies12 !!! We are still in undecided land :slight_smile:

My son decided against Scranton and chose Loyola Maryland where he got a much larger scholarship. He was also drawn in by their honors program and the Baltimore location. Best wishes to all.

@Sparcky congratulations and best wishes to your son at Loyola!