University of South Carolina Waitlist (2022)

I think it may depend on the school but I have done way too much deep-diving into UofSC details :joy: I do hope the kids who are waiting and hoping get off the list, it is tough times for a lot of them.

But if they donā€™t have any more Business spots, why not just tell him that he was rejected? Iā€™m very confused by all this. He was never given an opportunity to be admitted with a second major (although Iā€™m not sure what his second major is?). Can you explain why they wouldnā€™t just tell him heā€™s out, if the business school is full? Sorry, I read your reponse but Iā€™m still not understanding.

His counselor called the school and they basically said it was too early to tell, that they canā€™t give any info before May 15th, and that he has done everything he needs to do (and that nothing else he does will be considered for admission). So basically to stay put.

He got into Bentley which is CRAZY expensive - we tried working with them to get costs down. They gave us a little but SC would still be way cheaper even with us out of state.

I am literally about to lose my mind with the stress. Thanks for listening! ILMomtimes3 if you could have your son officially decline that would help open a spot, I assume! Thank you!


I would highly recommend that he call the Office of Admissions himself and talk to them. You can even call if you want. It is great that his counselor called but direct route is best and they have truly been very helpful to us along the way. The specifically told my child they could change their first and/or second major option if desired.

Thank you - I will give them a call tomorrow. I wasnā€™t aware that this was something parents could do! Iā€™ll keep you posted. ā€¦ thanks!

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Please do keep us posted! I think it is good for the students to call, but they get that sometimes parents need to. Good luck!

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My son called today and was told it was too soon to tell if heā€™d get off the waitlist, but that it would not be possible for him to major in business as the business school is full. Many of you mentioned this, so obviously we got the same story. He doesnā€™t really want to go for his second choice major but will consider it. Honestly the school is really pissing me off making him wait like this when thereā€™s no chance of him getting into the business school. I feel itā€™s very misleading to let kids stay on a waitlist when the school they want to get into is full. Not a good look for this school at all. Here were are 24 hours before deadline and heā€™s still not sure what his plans will be. Either he will commit to Bentley or not go to college in favor of getting his real estate license. Doubtful heā€™ll say yes to SC if he isnā€™t guaranteed into the business school

I totally agree with your frustration. Bentley is an amazing school and in my opinion a much better business school then U of SC. Have you visited Bentley? My son really liked the campus. Weā€™re also on waitlist for international business. My son has chosen another school and is moving on.

Hi - yes weā€™ve seen Bentley - we actually live in CT, less than 2 hours away. We went to admitted students day a few weeks ago and really liked it. The only issue is the cost - itā€™s over $78k per year tuition/room and board. They are giving him very little merit. So itā€™s just exhorbitant but yes we agree itā€™s amazing. We can make it work financially but itā€™s going to be hard. Congrats to your son! I think weā€™re also going to move on. SC has not impressed me one bit with this waitlist situation.

Yeah I can see your point. That tuition is pretty steep. We were also turned off from U of SC. Our area rep wasnā€™t very responsive and then our rep changed just before decisions came out. We thought it was a safety schoolā€¦I guess not Ha! In the end it was between Providence and Purdue. He chose Purdue. :slight_smile: Good luck with the decision. It was such a tough year.

Funny but our rep also changed! He was initially deferred and we sent a letter of continued interest to a rep that was a male. Then when he was waitlisted we double checked and noticed that the rep was different, a female. We sent another letter to her. Communication has been horrible. I just feel they should tell us if the business school is full and reject him rather than make us wait for months and months. Itā€™s not fair. Sounds like your son is going to a great school! Perdue is awesome!!! He made the right choice - congrats!!!

Same!! Weā€™re from NH. Sounds like the same rep. We were also deferred from early action and then waitlist. We sent out LOCI to the main admission email because he was so unresponsive. Annoying.

Wow that was also our experience! I just looked and yes, we do share an admissions rep. We heard nothing back from the first one after his deferral. We basically got a form letter back from the new one. Our guidance counselor also called and was told weā€™d have to wait until 5/15. Itā€™s so sad because we absolutely fell in love with the school and he wanted to go south. We even toured the business school. We did everything we could and Iā€™m so surprised he didnā€™t get in. Here we are 24 hours away from the deadline to accept Bentley and heā€™s not even sure he wants to go to college at this point. The whole experience has really burned him, and me.

While the biz school may be fullā€¦ more than 40% of forst year kids gonin as undecided. He can start on a biz electives track and enter the program later. Things change semester to semester. Dont get turned off because he isnt in business. If he wants SC contact them and tell
Them he is willing to go undecided


Thank you - i didnā€™t realize this many kids were undecided going in. This may be a game changer.

A huge percentage of freshman go into college thinking they want a certain field and change there mindsā€¦ some more than once. Itā€™s super common. Also there are many many professionals with a degree in a different major than they end up as their career. I think the most important first step is to find a place youā€™re comfortableā€¦ also if real estate is the interestā€¦ is there an avenue where he can apprentice or be an assistant for a few years? I would not hire a teenager to sell my home. I would want at least someone in their late 20ā€™s with some life experience. But being an assistant etc would be great. There is more than just the college path that society needsā€¦ we need technicians these daysā€¦ good luck getting an electrician or plumber etc. -and for under $150 an hourā€¦

I believe there are still state schools offering admissions? May want to do some last minute shopping before spending upwards of $350k for an undergraduate degree

Thank you - he has committed to Bentley University. Itā€™s an amazing school and #6 in the US for return on investment, as most kids are offered jobs well before graduation, and higher paying jobs at that. Itā€™s an excellent business school that we believe will prepare him very well for his career - smaller class sizes and he wonā€™t feel like a number. We believe U of SC was a closed door - it was tough because we truly loved the campus and business school tours we took last summer. But we donā€™t like the way they handled our sonā€™s application - their business school was full and instead of rejecting him, they put us through an emotional roller coaster of waiting, just so they have kids on standby for their numbers. SC was not meant to be. Wishing everyone the best of luck!!!


Bentley is a fantastic option. We know 2 students who absolutely love the school and have stated that the professors go out of their way to make sure students succeed in their studies. Their job placement rates are very high as many of their classes focus on real life knowledge. It seems your son knows what he wants to major in, and Bentley should provide more than adequate resources for him to focus on his field and master it.

This same thing happened to my daughter last year- we are from Mass, U of SC was her first choice and she was deferred from EA then waitlisted. She was crushed but was holding on to hope that she would get off the waitlist. Similar to your son, she had applied for a ā€œcappedā€ major (nursing) and we heard that nursing was full, but she still wanted to wait it out. In the meantime we did some campus visits and she fell in love with U Tampa, where she had been accepted with some merit aid before U of SC waitlisted her. She finally gave up on SC (after realizing that they were stringing her along) and committed to Tampa, where she is finishing up her freshman year as I type. :slight_smile: She loves it there and is thriving. Moral of the story- I believe everything happens for a reason and your son will love Bentley and will thrive there!! Best of luck to him.

Thank you so much! When it feels right, itā€™s just that gut feeling that you have to go with!

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