University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

Do you think it could back today anyone?

Where will we see our decision once released? In the portal/ student center/admissions which link do we click on?

any news on decision date?

Anyone want to call and take one for the team and ask if they will come out tomorrow or Sat.?

I think the office is closed by now @jaydata

Its open @uwlover267

I called a few minutes ago for a separate question and they were closed - they’re only open until 4:30pm central time.

They best be out by tomorrow

if anyone has info keep updates! praying it comes out by tomorrow!

any more news?

Fingers crossed for everyone!

Any updates? Any new news?

anyone know when it came out last year?

Also does anyone know if they gave you any type of warning before they sent it

@JL1313 Last year it was Friday, 12/15. That’s why everyone is speculating that it could be today.

do you know what time last year


do you know if they gave the students any warning

I’m not sure. Looking at last year’s thread, it was posted on the day decisions were released and people were still asking when they would be released, so I’m guessing not much of a warning. The portal apparently went down a couple hours before they came out, so look out for that.

last year friday december 15 at 7pm… they posted that day on their twitter and people called and admissions told them it was the day