University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2023

@OnWisc19 Admissions is closed 12/25 - 1/1? No one’s working in that office during that time? You are sure about that?

@JBStillFlying if you look back to last years instagram/twitter post they said exactly what i posted!!

Where do you find that?

Confirmed…Admissions office is closed between Christmas and New Years…

Folks: in the interest of keeping this thread alive and on edge for awhile longer I propose that the Class of 2023 EA Release Date will be (drum rolll): Friday evening 12/21. Just a hunch. BTW, Isn’t Michigan’s around the same date?

Update: or throughout that weekend, is actually more accurate. Very difficult to release everything at once. It would probably crash the system.

I agree with your proposal! Just a ‘gut check’ feeling. Michigan promised ‘no later than December 24th’.

Why do we not think it will be tonight?

@helloWisco2019 - no evidence to suggest it is, and plenty of evidence to suggest they are putting it off a bit longer. Namely, when called they respond with the generic line instead of even saying “over next few days”.

I just called the admissions and asked them what time they will be out tonight… hoping they would disclose. The admin officer said they are still working on them and that they will be out by the end of December. So I asked if they won’t be out tonight and she didn’t give an exact answer… just said by the end of December. Could it still be tonight? I have a feeling, but idk now.

Admissions is reading this thread and laughing. Just kidding - they are working on apps. And staffing the phone: “Myrtle, it’s your turn to get those CC posters all in knots. This is fun!”

So it could either be this weekend by some chance or next weekend?

Idk, I feel like it’s gonna be tonight. It was around the same time last year and it’s just confusing because they aren’t allowed to rly tell anyone when it is

^^ i agree, have a feeling it will be tonight. They just won’t give us a heads up i think.

Does anyone know how much legacy matters? I have two sisters who went, a brother, both my parents, my grandma, 2 of my uncles and several other cousins and we are out of state does this matter?

everyone in my immediate family has gone to Wisconsin

anyone hear anything else

I saw a news article from last year where some admissions person said hopefully admitted students would get some Bucky gear under the tree. Need to be out before 12/21 if they want to maximize sales!

Better be today still hopeful

If it’s today Imma flip out

Would they notify us by now?