University of Wisconsin Madison EA Class of 2024

My page now shows the federal aid I would receive after filling out FAFSA. It seems like they’re revealing everything except decisions!

To find the COA page, go to the Student Center > Financial Aid > Financial Aid Summary > Cost of Attendance

Accidental post! Sorry

I have not filled out FAFSA yet or anything of the sorts…

Under my financial aid page, it says, “There is no financial aid information found.”

My application status just changed to “Change prof/ degree objective”. What does this mean?

On my COA page, it includes the specific details of financial aid, AND a printable financail aid offer.

@khgh2020 Mine updated sometime today, as I know I checked yesterday and this was not there, but I’m not sure of what time today. Hopefully yours updates soon!

My status just changed to “Change prog/degree objective” but my academic plan stayed as “Bus: Finance, Invest&Bank BBA”. What does this mean? Accepted, deferral, reject???

@agenttim2002 mine did the same thing. no idea what it means

Hm… no printable offer on mine so far. I have all 3 breakdowns however.

where does it tell you your status

my application status did not change and now I am worried

can people say their stats???

Application Status= Complete-Early Action with a loan offered in financial aid section.

My status has been the same since I submitted. My application status still says “Complete -Early Action” and my academic plan still says “BUS: Marketing BBA”

I also don’t have anything under my financial aid tab, is that because I didn’t fill out a FAFSA???

I’m freaking out haha

I believe the change in admisison status is if you were accepted, but not a direct admit to that major.

what time do we think decisions are going to start rolling out today?? 8pm EST?

The printable offer lists “next steps” which seems somewhat promising.

For people who’s status changed what did it change to ?