University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Ok. Besides submitting your grades write a great letter why you still still want to go and how you will accept an offer. add anything additional you have done.

A lot of kids don’t end up going to Madison. My daughter already knows 5 of her friends who got admitted that won’t be going. Deferred still has a great chance. We knew several kids who got in after deferral.

Good luck!

Yes my daughter admitted and most likely not going. Lots of cheaper schools with merit money

  1. Deferred has a very good chance if you are confident with your stat
  2. withdrawals from admitted students would not change the school to admit more in RD. School already factor in how many would withdraw roughly each year. Otherwise, they would admit much less than now.


I think this year you can’t predict what will happen. I think with people casting a wider net you could have more non-enrollees than normal. It’s why there is always a waitlist. I think as soon as you know 100% you won’t be going to a school you should tell them just in case it does help another student on the waitlist or deferral.

Hi -what were the direct admit business school criteria? if you are excepted directly into the business school is there any chance to get a merit scholarship? I have only spoken to a pre- business class of 2024 student who said no, but thought I read that direct admits were eligible. Thank you in advance.

They don’t publish the direct to business criteria. As best as I can tell, they are trying to fill about 50% of the class via direct admit. But they don’t publish business applicants separate so you can’t really do any math in terms of “top __% of candidates get direct admit.” If you go into the Wisconsin Scholarship Hub on the portal, it will show you various scholarships you can apply for separately. However, there is really nothing that you will automatically get from Wisconsin, unless you have a major hook there isn’t any money there for OOS folks. And even the ones on the portal (I think) are fairly de minimus amounts.

Just want to follow up & add that I can’t believe there were so many loopholes to finding out the decision. Sometimes these boards can read into too much & sometimes they are right. Crazy.

It unfortunately created a lot of undue stress and worry for kids who didn’t see those items wondering if they were deferred or denied. Then when they finally did get their deferrals the dates and messaging were wrong and therefore confusing, adding an additional layer of stress. It’s things like this make me wonder how well run the university is as a whole and prompted me to reach out to my child’s counselor and people I know whose children attend to see if this is a widespread occurrence given it is one of his top choices and sometimes the top choice.

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Do we still submit mid year grades even if we were accepted?

Your HS should send your final transcript at the end of the year. If it was not requested, there is no need to send mid-year grades. Congratulations btw!

Thanks! There was an option by submit test scores to submit mid term grades so I just went ahead and did it! Hopefully it doesn’t hurt anything

There is an option on the app tracker to submit Mid-Year grades. They never sent an email or anything saying I have to do it. Do I still do it? I am a regular decision applicant.

it was something for deferred students, that said if it helps your application I would do it. If it doesn’t, I wouldn’t do it. Our school sends out the mid-year transcripts to everyone on their college application list (unless they were denied I guess), so it was automatic for us.

So my S was just sent an invite (Canvas?) to participate in Wisconsin BBA Direct Admit Resource Center…but he wasn’t actually a direct admit to the business school! He was offered pre-business. This happening to anyone else?

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Same thing happened to my D.
I feel as though this school is extremely disorganized and makes more mistakes / lack of communication than all the others added up.

Soooooo sad. He had his hopes up AGAIN for a little bit there.

Did you get that via the portal or normal email?

I received an invitation to join a parents’ group for future Freshman at another large state university my daughter applied to (about a week prior to EA decisions coming out). Of course we thought is was a sign…and then came her deferral. Robotic email miscommunication happens, but it’s still not cool.

normal email