University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

I would like to hear these thoughts about UW-Madison CS vs Purdue CS as well. D is accepted to both schools CS.

Yes, I’d like to know if the chances are good or bad of being accepted if deferred. I don’t want my son to get his hopes up if they are generally not good.

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could someone call and find out? i was deferred as well and I want to know!

You should probably call then!

How are they going to answer that? Each year’s applicant pool is different
 quality of applicants EA and RD, what schools applying to
 they could throw out some stat which doubt they will 
 there is no way for you to know frankly how that will play this year 

idc enough to do it myself​:joy::joy: but if someone finds out i’d rather know lmaoo

I asked a question that maybe people here with older children who attend the University may have a sense about historically. If they rarely or never admit kids they defer it’s time to move on. If they do admit them then we may need to find a way to visit just in case. I’m not sure why that’s a bad question to ask.

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No one said bad question yet hard to get an answer you should hang your hat onto 

They always admit deferral kids yet who and how many can’t be quantified 

No one on forums like these has access to really “ know” the applicant pool this year and also a weird year and would just be speculating.

If your kid had no shot, they’d have given a no.

In the running certainly yet since no in-person tours happening anyway and freezing in WI now, a lot of folks are delaying an in-person visit.

As long as visit by decision day, you fine for WI yet can’t speak to other schools.

There is no advantage for housing or course selection at Madison based on when you accept if by regular deadline. A kid who accepted on 12/15 and put down deposit that night isn’t ahead of a deferred applicant who later accepted or another applicant who is via RD for housing or courses.

Other schools you considering may have different policies.

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My anecdotal understanding is that UW admits a lot of deferred students - I know a couple kids locally who were first deferred then admitted at a later date. This makes sense given the limited aid UW offers for OOS students. One reason they limit aid is because they know if parents (like me) balk at the 56k pricetag, they still have a deep pool of reserves willing to pay full price. At the end of the day its a business and they still need to meet their enrollment targets.


It’s not a business.


I agree. But just as students compete for spaces, colleges compete for students. One way they do that is through discounting the sticker price, also known as merit aid. If schools can meet their enrollment targets without discounting the price, they will do so.

This is a bit of “old news,” however my D19 was deferred for engineering and was later admitted to CS (must have been the second choice major that she put on the application), so it does happen. Good luck to all deferred students awaiting decisions.

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Are we the only crazy people visiting this weekend? Brrrrrrr.

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@stacysmom21 - are they holding in-person tours/sessions there?

No in person tours and in fact campus buildings are closed to the public. Not sure what to do because my daughter received a scholarship and they are asking to try to accept by March 1st or decline so they can pass it on to the next kid. My daughter is starting her HS VB season next week and it will go through April so we were just trying avoid hanging on to that scholarship for too long
 I hope she doesnt hate it only because its so cold.

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Arggg - that’s tough. We’re in a similar situation, need to get to Michigan before May 1 to decide as she’s never been, doesn’t want to accept sight unseen but everything is closed to “visitors” (I personally think they should make exception for admitted students). We’re hoping things loosen up by mid-April? Virtual isn’t cutting it
 I would do a “drive-by” myself like you are doing in a worst-case scenario.

Can they require you to accept/decline any scholarship by March 1? I thought all students nationally have until May 1 to decide

We visited this past weekend. Although buildings are closed and you will not be able to gain entry, you can walk the campus on foot. Also, my son rode the campus bus for about an hour and a half to warm up and get a feel for the layout-environment.
Stay Warm! Last weekend felt like a polar vortex!

Does anyone know if RD has two decision dates as they did in EA. I know they released decisions for EA Minnesota students around Mid-December. I am from Minnesota, so would there be an earlier date of decisions (around the end of feb maybe?)

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In all honesty I think anything is possible in this admissions cycle. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this.