University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Please let me know what you think after your visit. S also received a scholarship, but we won’t be able to visit until April. I’m a bit worried about the cold, but S doesn’t seem to care.

I have no idea. Last year, MN kids that were deferred in December during Early Action started hearing mid-March. I have no idea if MN kids that applied during regular decision found out earlier than. March or at the same time as those deferred.

Do you need a student ID to ride the bus?

Did your son like it? I will definitely report back after this weekend.

They did not ask for any ID’s on campus bus. Someone suggested it, so we hopped on. There were only 2 students on and when they got off we told the driver we were visiting to see the campus and he literally just drove around on the route- pointing everything out giving us his own tour. Seeing the campus on the bus was a great way to get around. My son really liked it, but it was cold. We are from NJ and used to the frigid weather, but last weekend was probably the coldest of the winter so far. It was 5 degrees. We were able to step into the business building for a few minutes behind someone, but other than that could not get into a single building. I didn’t mind that after all because I know they are keeping their students safe.


We have a visit planned for the end of March, traveling from NJ. UW is at the top of her list along with a couple of other highly ranked mid-west eng schools. My D needs to experience the campus, even if it’s from a bus/walking tour. She does not want “city” for her day-to-day, but she wonders if the lakeshore dorms (she would hopefully be in Waters due to the LLC she’s applying to) coupled with the location of the engineering buildings will be non-city enough. With the city close by when she wants it to be. Praying for good weather and possibly things opening up a bit.

Great! My college friend told me at graduation that he didn’t know there was a lake as he only studied at engineering library and buildings and lived along Dayton street.

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My dd was accepted EA & we’re told there’s no priority in terms of housing. It’s a lottery that starts after RD’s are sent out. In fact she’s been meeting potential roommates via social media and they can’t do anything until March.

In regards to deferrals, I was totally expecting my dd to be deferred (we’re OOS) because I was told UW has always been known to defer so many kids. That said, all the kids I know who were deferred in the past were ultimately accepted. Good luck!!

See if you can change her major to Sociology. My dd was going to apply as a psych major but heard it was very popular so she chose sociology which seems pretty similar. Plus they can probably change junior year.

Another tip which worked with Penn State when my dd was given an alternate/satellite campus, have your kid send an email to an AO saying UW is still first choice & they’re wiling to switch majors. Penn State switched her immediately. Obviously we withdrew her application because UW was always her first choice & she was accepted EA. Good luck!

@hmmnotsure1 They ask us to consider accept/decline by March 1 and that technically we have until May 1st. I think its so that they can pass on the award to the next kid.

@maricier its funny how every kid is so different. I hear that Lakeshore is more quiet and peaceful. My daughter on the other hand wants city and busy busy busy so she is looking at the SE Halls… :wink: we haven’t been but UW looks to have a good mix of traditional campus, college town and city offerings.

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My D spent three weeks at Cornell a couple of summers back and came home declaring that she wanted her college to have a similar “nature” feel. She loved the 22 minute walk to her class every morning, across grassy areas and through the woods. Based on where we live and the fact that she’s an equestrian and spends a lot of time outdoors year-round, that didn’t surprise me. That “nature” requirement alone caused several schools to be removed from her first round list. Her acceptance list is (thankfully) long and varied enough that she has real decisions to make, and I’m trying to not have her prematurely write schools off that seem too “city,” including UW. Hoping an in-person visit helps with the process. Good luck to your D!

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Is this the Mercile J Lee scholarship program? My daughter is in a similar situation.

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@CaBeachMom yes. Your daughter already connected with my daughter I believe :slight_smile:

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Well, its snowing and the high today will be 1F. She and my husband are there now. If she loves it then you know its true love.

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Don’t miss out State Street, Capitol Square and Monona Terrace.
Too bad MU Terrace probably closed to public.

Campus-wise UW is comparable to Cornell. And they both have CALS.


Can’t wait to hear how she likes it. We are at UC Berkekey today. My daughter got an early admit so we are checking it out.


@CaBeachMom you enjoy! Congrats on Berkeley too!

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@lemonlulu thank you for the tip on Monona Terrace. They are staying near that on capitol square and we didnt know about it!