University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Based on every other college they always come out after the office is closed simply because the college likely doesn’t want to be inundated with angry calls from parents and a day gives time for cooler heads to prevail. So I’d say at the earliest 5 EST, but some are even later.

yes, it came later, but on the same evening, about 40 minutes after the portal update which was around 8:30pm EST.

in 2018, my daughter got hers on a friday night at 8:30pm with no email alert. just constantly checking the portal nonstop is how she found out…ugh

What did I miss?

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Does anyone know if they are actually coming out tonight or if this is all just a rumor?

just a rumor.

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Do you know when they would then?

By January 31 if you met the EA deadline.

The challenge is that this year has been different then past years like the first wave of decisions coming out on a Tuesday night. People are guessing and/or hoping based on decisions being released on Friday nights in the past. I would be inclined to thinking they might go back to Friday night releases this month. Good luck! I have an oos daughter going crazy.

The office closed about 40 minutes ago, hopefully, we find out today! Fingers crossed!!

I can’t open my student center on the portal so I’m thinking they’re updating them

Do we get a notification through email or do we just need to keep checking the portal?

I can open mine

I can open mine as well.

can open mine too


I can open mine too

I can open mine

What time do they usually come out?

My older son got in last year. I feel like it was 7 or 7:30