University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Oops, I mean Minnesota and accidentally confused the abbreviations. Clearly I need to go back to elementary school geography class!


New York was part of that batch and I heard it was an error. They werenā€™t meant to go out the same time as WI etc but who knows.

CA was in the original batch too.

Did anyone elseā€™s portal change colors?

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no i dont think so

Colors how? Like what color do you see?

Used to be red and now itā€™s dark blue

Did anyone who was deferred EA in December receive the instructions to submit additional information? They said they would send it in Januaryā€¦

mine is still red


Yea the background is blue for me on the applicant homepage screen.

Edit: I refreshed and its back to red.

Did everyone get a notification about the weather in Madisonā€¦? The bell icon

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No still waiting , I did email them about the updated information they said would send link in February

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Yes got the weather notice too. I donā€™t think it means anything lol

Can the decisions come out today?

Does the portal always change before a decision or is it possible it just comes with no warning? Meaning we just check at 8pm and decision is there? I feel like I always hear of ā€œa portal changeā€ in the hours or days before. Is that just a fallacy?

My dd was accepted to Boulder last Friday. One hour before they sent them out the portal was acting all kinds of crazy, changing/modifying the design, really weird.

South carolina had no changes though so it varies

Do they send an email notifying applicants that decisions have been uploaded and to check portal?