University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025



How does it make it “competitive disadvantage”? This later date allows students to submit their fall transcripts for a more accurate of where a potential student is as a senior. It’s not like this date was a surprise when you child applied EA.

I think despite colleges saying “by the end of January” most people expect EA responses at the end of December. That was the “old norm”. Things are so different now & personally I’d rather have them spend more time carefully & thoroughly reviewing the applications. We got one EA acceptance in like 2 weeks which makes me wonder if they even read my dd’s essays.

I think what she means is that since many student already received acceptances and are attending information sessions and getting scholarships, some of the shine has worn off when you get you UW acceptance six weeks later. My daughter is fully geared up to go to another school and she isn’t even checking UW any longer. She was when the first round of acceptances went out, but she gave up and moved on. Unless UW is your first choice, this is anticlimactic. And if my daughter had not already been admitted to schools she likes, she would have had to put together RD applications which defeats the purpose of EA.

I agree that they were clear about the 1/31 date, but I have lost the plot on the point of it. If it doesn’t lighten the RD load of applicants, and everyone waits to see their RD decisions since they waited this long, what is the point of offering EA?

It also leaves a bad taste when some states found out in December.


I completely agree with you. Yes
they did say by January 31st but historically have never taken this long and because they have taken this long my daughter had to turn in several RD applications and now will probably wait and see what other schools offer as far as scholarships and such. What’s the point of ED if it doesn’t come before RD applications are due and why not give a release date at this point? As it stands the RD applicants are going to wait an entire month less then the ED kids. Unimpressed with the admission process.


The funny thing is my D only applied to 3 schools EA and WI is the earliest notification of the bunch. They are by the 31st. Northeastern is Feb 1st and U Miami is late Jan/early Feb. I had no Idea that there were earlier EA schools. She did apply to an ED school but was deferred and that decision was the middle of December so it made total sense not to hear before the very end of January.

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It’s a competitive disadvantage for the school, not the applicants. Other peer institutions that they are competing with for the same students have already released EA decisions, scholarship info, financial aid packages, etc.


It makes senses. My son got his admission at U Wisconsin back in December, and has been attending quite a few virtual events to get to know the school. If he gets admissions from more similar schools, such as UIUC still pending, I believe he may very likely stick with Wisconsin.

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I also think the release of some almost 6 weeks ago has created some issues. I would have understood if it was only in state but it wasn’t. Leaving everyone else to wonder why a persons geography got them the earlier decision. I don’t mind the later date if they all come at once.


Thank you for the reminder of the 2/1 deadline for scholarship apps!

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Imagine how we feel. We live in NY but my dd goes to school in Connecticut. It seems they did that 12/15 release by state where the school is located and CT was not included. So while everyone around us got a decision (which we thought we’d get before the holidays) we’re still waiting. But like I said above, I’d rather they take their time.

I think the main thing that is making people upset (myself included) is not that they are waiting till when they said they would release admissions, but that some admissions were released over a month ago. I would have been fine waiting till the 31st if I knew everyone had to too. Especially since it wasn’t just Wisconsin and Minnesota, which I had expected to be released before other states, but states like California got their admissions. It just seems weird to me that they would have one wave over a month ago and then drag on this second wave until the absolute deadline.


My frustration with UW is that if they were going to release decisions in a way they have never done before then give some kind of insight into the process instead of just answering “by Jan 31st”. First of all that’s a Sunday
is a weekend release now a possibility or can they say the 31st fell on a Sunday so it could drag on to Monday? I lived in WI for 20 years and knew families whose kids applied every year. Decisions were always on a Friday. In-state kids did find out first but the rest found out within a couple of weeks. Emails were sent to indicate acceptance. This year a big wave of decisions were sent on a Tuesday
and not to just in state kids but to a couple random states and discovered by logging into portal. This has caused the rest of the applicants to check portal nightly since the Friday rule seems to no longer apply and the process has drug out for longer then I’ve ever seen. I don’t think UW is playing games but it would show a lot more professionalism to be a little more transparent and direct and alleviate a lot of uncertainty and anxiety which would give me a little more comfort that they truly care about the kids.


What is strange to me is some schools, like UGA and Purdue, are very clear that THIS is when we are releasing decisions. This day. UGA doesn’t give the exact time but Purdue did. They had advancedblog posts and tweets with these are the different status of acceptances, etc. So it is crazy to me this constant BY x date, but we won’t tell you the actual date. They certainly know today that they are going to release whichever day between now and 1/31. Just say it and then people know to check then.


If they hadn’t released NY, NJ, and CA 6 weeks ago I don’t think anyone would be thinking twice about waiting patiently until Jan 31. The fact that they released some states randomly, without any warning or mention on instagram or twitter admission sites, makes the rest of the OOS applicants incessantly checking our portals night after night.


Remind me, have in-state EA decisions been released already? Or just those handful of OOS states back in December?

My S is OOS applicant also still waiting!

I think they released a handful from each of a few states - WI, MI, NJ, NY, and CA if I am remembering correctly. But even in these states, many students are still waiting for a response. The rest of the states have not heard anything at all.

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Everyone my daughter knows in WI were given decisions and it was their understanding that all instate EA decisions were released. Based on thread in Reddit and here a few states were included but not everyone from those states. Hard to tell without a lot of responses from oos. Only wave seems to be that Dec 15 release.

no one in michigan was given a decision yet. that’s one of the states still waiting