University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

All we can do is wait.

Quite comic that the Admissions Office tweeted a reminder today about the regular admissions deadline approaching advising not to procrastinate and yet we wait while Admissions sits on EA drop.


Doesnā€™t mean anything

is it most likely that the decisions will be released tomorrow? or is it most likely that it could be on Saturday?

I donā€™t think many colleges release decisions over the weekend so itā€™s probably tmrw.

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I think thatā€™s the consensus

based on what iā€™ve heard, it will most likely come out tonight around 8-8:30 est. iā€™m not fully sure though

Are there anything thatā€™s going to forecast the approach of decision?

Do we think they will make a post on either their uw admissions Instagram or Twitter announcing that decisions have been released? I know they have in past years

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i would think so, after theyā€™ve been released maybe 45 min after?

My son said he canā€™t get into his student center, just us or anyone else?

i can get in mine


I can get in

Anyone from CO receive their decision yet?

I canā€™t get into the student center either

I meant to say nope - we are in CO and no word yet :wink:

I cab get in too

Son said when he logs in, he gets a big error triangle with the message that he is not authorized to access that site, but right beneith it is a link to the regular portal homepage and it looks normal. He said heā€™s been getting that error on and off all week but nothing in the portal ever changes.

Umich decisions just came out, hoping that means UW will follow laterā€¦


okay iā€™m not trying to say if this means anything (iā€™m sure it doesnā€™t) but i just logged in to my UW on my phone and the background color changed from red to blue? i doubt it means anything- just curious if this is happening to others