University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

i hope so

No way. They couldn’t process a withdrawal letter and automatically replace that person with someone new over a 24 hour period that falls on a weekend.

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Who says they’re replacing? Just saving themselves unnecessary acceptances.

They are open today
 anyone tried to call ?

They are not open on weekends.

edited to add: you’re right there is conflicting info on their web page about whether they answer calls today between 10-3.

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If you look at the admission page, on they top giant letter it says m to f, but lower right it says they are open sat 10 to 3 for calls

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can someone call and ask?

if you do lmk what they say

I tried to call. Recording says they are closed but working remotely.

istg if after taking so much time to review apps they STILL end up deferring everyone and their mothers, might just withdraw


Do y’all think they will be out by 3 since the offices close at 3? or the usual 8pm like said above? I know its sorta a guessing game but I spent all day yesterday on the portal and don’t feel like wallowing in the same anxieties today as well.

Also, anybody from IL that applied EA almost as soon as the app came out and still haven’t heard a decision?

From IL, I submitted my app on Oct 20th 2020 (I think), anxiously waiting to hear back. Already got deferred from UMich and Purdue is my only other solid option rn so I kinda need to know UW haha

What’s your major? I wanted to apply to UMich so bad but it didn’t offer any of the majors I needed : (

I applied for a music/LSA dual degree with preferred admission to Ross. Now it’s a contest between LSA and the music school to see who can give me an acceptance (or rejection) faster LOL

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I’m in the same boat

Good luck, I hope you get into both hahah! Im sure everything will work out great for everybody who is waiting honestly.

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do we think decisions are coming out tonight?

at this rate who knows

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Everyone was saying since it says BY January 31st, it has to be tonight.

My D applied so long ago, I cant remember. from suburbs of Chicago