University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

Did your financial situation change? Is UW-Madison more affordable now?


When did you apply @abigailrg‌

HS GPA 3.0
College GPA: 3.6 15 credits complete 16 in progress

Postponed on Friday

Well after first year you do not have to live in university housing, and I will have a room with three friends in an off campus apartment that is much cheaper. Also I found a job up there and have been saving money this year. @madison85

UW-Madison has no requirement about living in a university residence hall the first year @ktmack23 - not sure what you are referring to.

@madison85 I believe they do if you are not living with your parents or something. But regardless I didn’t have anyone to get an apartment with last year to avoid university housing and now I do, and I am just in general in a much better financial position than I was last year regardless of the university policies.

Nope - no requirement to live in a residence hall at UW-Madison. Any freshman can live anywhere- in a dorm, with parents, in an apartment, under a rock, on a boat, in a tree house.

Let’s avoid misinformation @ktmack23‌

Last sentence, first paragraph: There is no on-campus living requirement, yet more than 7,400 students choose to live with us each year.

I can’t believe you guys have heard already. Lucky!!

Everything rides on this acceptance for me…if I don’t get in I will have to drop out of college. Unless UWM allows for rolling admissions?

I apologize, thanks for correcting me. @Madison85‌

Accepted on the 27th.

72/80 credits accepted

Carthage College
In state
3.1 GPA

Resident Assistant
Fraternity member
3 campus jobs
Project Leader for Financial Consulting Firm
Scholarship Trombonist

3 Recomendation Letters

Your resume sounds great! I’m sure you’ll get in.

Chance me for UW Madison please!!

What are your stats? Congrats that’s awesome!

They had all my materials mid-feb. Granted, they had some of my materials already on hand because I applied as an incoming freshman so they were waiting on less.

If we sent in our application/materials last minute, do you think we’re going to have to wait until April? I don’t think I can wait that long.
All my materials were received by February 20th I think…I just want to know if I got in.

School: State school in IL
Major: Psychology a minor in neuroscience
Year: Sophomore
College GPA: 4.0

  • Fraternity Vice President of Correspondence 1 year
  • Academics Chair 1 year
  • IFC/IGC Delegate 1 year
  • Club: Behavior Analysis and Therapy club 2 year
    -: Students Together Advocating for Rehabilitation Services 2 years
  • Working in a Psychology Lab related to smoking cig research with EEG, EMG and eye tracking. 1 year
  • A TA for a psych stats, will be tutoring, grading and teaching psych majors in stats. 1 year
  • University Honors Program- Must keep a 3.2 GPA average and have 10 hours of community service a semester
    Deans scholarship.
    Deans listed
    53 credits.
  • Self Taught Guitar
    High School GPA: 3.4/4.0 went to a top high school in my state
    ACT: 24
    -religious club
    -volunteer (50+ hours)
  • Internships at Rehabilitation institute of Chicago- two times
  • Internship at Cook County Jail with different Judges and Lawyers
  • Internship at a teen mental health clinic

I haven’t heard anything back and everything has been submitted but we can hear from anytime from early March to end of April

Has anyone else heard back from Wisconsin yet?

@Finalsarefun12‌ No, not yet :neutral_face:

@transfergirl1995‌ ok. I was getting worried!

Whoah been a while since I checked on this, does anybody know when the next wave of decisions will arrive? And will we get an email once the decision has been made?
Sorry damn asking so much questions but how long do we have to reply to the offer if accepted? (May be waiting on a couple colleges giving out decisions in June)