University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

Chance me?
Applied to transfer to UW-Madison for the Fall semester. Application submitted 2/9

Currently a first year at Marquette with sophomore standing
Major: Marketing
GPA: 3.5 (expecting to improve this semester)
Currently taking 16 credits (including one 4000-level course)
Strong essays and letter of rec from my accounting professor
Dean’s List
Freshman representative for the theatre club
Involved in campus religious organization and club taekwondo

High school GPA (unweighted): 3.89
ACT: 32
SAT: 2030
AP courses, no foreign language
Varsity cheerleading (freshman and sophomore year)
Secretary of drama club
Heavy involvement in choir and drama
Church leader and volunteer
Former Girl Scout employee
Involved in taekwondo for 11 years, worked at the school for 2.5


Yeah it would be nice is someone could give us an idea of when some acceptances could come out. This wait is actually causing me severe anxiety…I would like to know as soon as possible.

Also, does anyone know how much being a legacy helps for transfer applicants? I know it can be a significant boost for freshman applicants. My father is a Madison alum and I hope that helps.

Legacy status can push an edge case into the admit pool, but will not pull an applicant from the deny side to the accept side.

I took a look at last years thread, and people started receiving decisions about mid april. The people who were postponed got decisions near the end of may, or early june.

So I’d say three more weeks probably.

Three more weeks guys! ;:wink:

Three weeks!!! There’s no way I’ll last that long.

I’m right there with you on the anxiety. A wave of freshmen decisions were sent out tonight. We’ll probably be playing the waiting game for a few more weeks.

I need to know because I have no plan B for school next year if this doesn’t work out. The transfer deadline for UWM is long past, Concordia/Cardinal Stritch/Mount Mary are out of my price range, and I’m done with GE’s so MATC is useless. If I don’t get in, I’ll have no way to prove that I’m doing better.

^^ What about any of the other UW’s? Such as Platteville, La Cross, Whitewater, etc?

The language I study tends only to be offered by large universities and none of the smaller UW schools, except UWM, offer it. I don’t want to lose out on a semester of studying it.

Anyone else postponed?

@xGingersUNITEx‌ Yes me. They sent me the email like 30min ago. Do you think we still have solid chances if we get a good GPA in this semester?

Very much so from what I’ve have heard. I’m betting that we should get at or above our submitted GPA for the spring semester just to be safe.

What kind of email did u guys get from UW?

Which program did you guys apply to?


I applied for Finance, though there is a separate application for the School of Business. They asked me to self report my Spring 2015 grades when asked to do so.

Still have not heard back.

-I applied with a 4.0 gpa from my first semester of community college in all honors courses
-Plan on getting a 3.6 at the end of spring semester
-26 ACT :confused:
-3.1 gpa in hs (didn’t do as well as I could have in hs)
-Studied abroad in Denmark my senior year of hs with an exchange program
-My hs wouldn’t give me a official diploma since I was studying abroad, so I got my GED in which I placed in the 97th percentile
-Made notice in my application that I wanted to major in international business with danish as my language, and that I would take a lot of Scandinavian studies courses.
-varsity hs soccer
-sales associate (15 hours a week)
-50 hours of volunteering at a food bank

Really nervous that my grades and ACT score are not good enough, but I hope that my life experience will play a big part!!

Let me know what you guys think!

@makker1995 I think that you have a very good chance. Are you in Wisconsin? Were you postponed?