Unofficial Purdue Class of 2020 EA Applicant Thread

So boring to wait for so long :")

@Arsenalfan123 my son also applied on Oct. 31 and has not heard back.

You definitely stand a chance, they want to see your grades and then make a decision.

I applied on Nov 1st and I got my decision yesterday, nov. 18.
Does offer admission really mean that I got in?
I am just concerned since I havent get my acceptance email…
Anyone like me?

I applied Oct 30 and had tests submitted by Nov 2, applied for engineering. Out of state female from NJ, still have not heard back yet. My application status still says “Complete Ready for Review”

Everything was submitted by nov 4 for me. Still complete and ready for review. Applied College of Science: Computer Science


Into the college of liberal arts for graphic design

3.7 GPA 1890 SAT no ACT a few EC’s and I was captain of my swim team.


Got accepted into the College of Health and Human Sciences today!

ACT: 33
GPA: 3.79 UW/4.15 W
9 AP/Honors Classes including senior year (got A’s or B’s in them all)
A lot of extracurriculars (one year on sports team, volunteering at hospital and senior center and other places, etc)
300+ volunteer hours
No class rank
California Resident

Congratulations to all those who got accepted! Good luck to those still waiting!

@McKilla99 I applied for CS through the College of Science, and received my acceptance email later that day.

@Spike2k2 That’s strange! I have been checking every day for almost a month, still nothing. I applied October 30. I’m hoping a decision comes out sometime before Thanksgiving.

Apparently for COE one of the officers is out of town - won’t be coming till next week, left his stack of applications back at the admissions office. I won’t be surprised if I’m one of them.

A friend called the admissions office and this is what they told him


I got deferred about a month ago from Purdue and they asked for my 7th semester grades…My counsellor put it up yesterday and today I checked again the application and it says “Decision Made” and the decision is “OFFER ADMISSION” I still havent received any email or letter though. Does anyone know if this means I get accepted?? Please I’m super frustrated right now and nervous!!!

Admission Term: Fall 2016
Admission Type: New First Time
Application Status: Decision Made
Decision: Offer Admission

@MasterOfDecept Yeah, it means you’re accepted. Nice. Which major?


Thank you for the answer!!! @McKilla99 Chemical Engineering…Do you know when they send out official emails or letters? Just wait and be patient man because I thought I wouldn’t get decisions till february so Good luck!

@MasterOfDecept I guess I don’t have any other option than waiting. Hopefully I’ll get accepted Northwestern ED and Purdue won’t matter anyway

I applied on Oct 9 and got a decision on oct 23
ACT: 31
GPA: 3.89 UW/4.23 W
7 AP and 9 Honors Classes including senior year
not too many extracurriculars or volunteering
54/507 UW, 46/507 W
Illinois Resident

Hey everyone, new user here.

I applied as an undeclared major to the college of engineering back in mid-September, but my transcript wasn’t received until October 26 because of a pending junior year grade change (AP Chem teacher input a B+ instead of A-). Application is still listed as “Complete ready for review.” Wondering when I can expect to hear back.

I’m a northern Virginia resident in a very competitive area. I’ve also applied to the engineering programs at Georgia Tech and U of Illinois. Virginia Tech has a short application so I’d apply there if I’m not accepted into any of the three I have already, though I’m hoping that’s a last resort.

A snapshot of my transcript…
GPA: Weighted around 4.25, haven’t calculated UW but it’s around 3.8 or so.
SAT: Superscore 2190, Math 800, Writing 740, Reading 650.
Decent extracurriculars, 6 AP’s including Chem, Physics C, and AB Calculus.

I think I have a fairly reasonable chance of acceptance, but I’m getting anxious as two others from my school have been accepted that applied around the same time. They didn’t have the transcript delay, however.
Any thoughts? Advice?

@Password121 To be perfectly honest, I don’t know why you applied as undeclared because first year engineering is the same for every engineering freshman and everyone chooses their major only after that. As for your chances, I’d say you’d get accepted in a heartbeat.

Decision: Accepted

[ *] SAT I (breakdown): Not going to submit
[ *] ACT: 32 (superscored 33)
[ *] SAT II: Not going to submit
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.1
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Neither is available
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Statistics - 4 (junior year)
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[ *] Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics, Honors Biology, Senior English, French IV, Chorus, Calculus
[ *] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel, etc.): National Merit Commended

[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Newspaper (Editor-in-Chief), Model UN (leader), varsity football, Debate Club
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Park District job - 16 hrs a week
[ *] Volunteer/Community service: Spend a week every summer building houses in impoverished countries
[ *] Summer Activities: The above, plus work
[ *] Essays: Common App (8/10), Supplement (8/10)
[ *] Teacher Recommendations: Probably solid
[ *] Counselor Rec: Excellent
[ *] Additional Rec: None
[ *] Interview: None

[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?: Nope
[ *] Intended Major: Applied undecided
[ *] State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
[ *] Country (if international applicant):
[ *] School Type: Competitive private school
[ *] Ethnicity (Hispanic Y/N/not reported): None of the aforementioned
[ *] Race(s) (AI/AN, Asian, AA, NH/PI, White, not reported): White
[ *] Gender: Male
[ *] Income Bracket: > 120,000
[ *] Hooks/tips (URM, athlete, legacy, 1st gen, etc.): Absolutely no hooks

[ *] Strengths: ACT score, loads of extracurriculars
[ *] Weaknesses: GPA def
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Still not entirely sure
[ *] Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: Accepted at Indiana U Bloomington, sitting on other apps