Unofficial UNC Fall 2016 Transfer Thread

Anybody looking for a roommate?

Has everyone gotten their transfer credit evaluation? I feel like i’m the only one who hasn’t

@eespos1 I haven’t yet. Do we have to deposit before we can recieve it?

No, I haven’t even officially accepted my offer, and I got my report.

Still waiting for SILS to release decisions! This wait is slowly killing me…

@TranslationLost ok cool, did you just check in connect Carolina? I probably just still have to wait.

Does anyone know if after enrolling they would allow us to take classes over summer whether through the school or local cc in order to fulfill certain credits we may still need? They have a lot of gen ed requirements…

Anyone still waiting for a decision who didn’t apply to SILS?

I am and i applied to the college of arts and sciences

Man…I’m in trouble if they don’t post decisions soon. I have deadlines elsewhere…

@eespos1 I haven’t received mine either :frowning:

@eespos1 @NjTransfer2016 I didn’t receive an email about my transfer report but I looked on connect Carolina and it was there…

@tssiger216 I was thinking the same…I’m assuming many of us have a lot of gen eds to get through…I am going to ask an advisor about this but my only concern is that they can probably only take a certain number of credits from a previous institution anyhow…so maybe taking this many gen eds is normal…

@tsssksess I just read online that if you have more than 64 credit hours then you will not credit in terms of hours but the course requirement will be met…im going to ask someone about this summer school question…

@Gowolfpacks18 I would definitely like to know the answer about summer school too…

@dmimima between the foreign languages and other requirements, it seems as tho I won’t get into the jist of my major until the second semester :confused: but I have already signed up for at least 3 classes that pertain to my major anyhow…

@Gowolfpacks18 yes thank you please let us know! I don’t want to enroll until I can figure that out and unfortunately can’t speak to an advisor unless I enroll, I’m hoping its possible or that at least petitioning certain classes that should count under specific Gen Eds but didn’t is easier so that I can attend

Yet another day and no decision :((

Well, my student still isn’t able to get into Sakai or Housing yet, but he was able to order the laptop using the CCI grant. He also received an email stating that he can take summer classes if he wants.

@NosyParent16 I wasn’t able to get into housing earlier, but just tried and now I’m able to…I think sakai/housing will be active depending on when you confirmed that you would enroll…from my experience 3 days after enrollment…did he order the regular laptop or upgrade? I don’t even think my grant is enough for the basic one…or maybe it will automatically take it at checkout

@Gowolfpacks18 we picked the p50 and billed it to the grant/his account. We’re waiting to see if they’ll actually process it. If not, he’ll just get the basic one. I’m assuming that they’ll reduce the price to the grant amount. (it did accept the order, but we’re waiting to see if they deny it)